Prof. Dr. Michel FATHI
Cited by
Cited by
Handbook of Smart Energy Systems
M Fathi, E Zio, PM Pardalos, 2021
Large Scale Optimization in Supply Chains and Smart Manufacturing
JM Velásquez-Bermúdez, M Khakifirooz, M Fathi
Springer., 2019
Optimization in Large Scale Problems: Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 Applications
M Fathi, M khakifirooz, PM Pardalos
Springer Optimization and Its Applications (ISBN 978-3-030-28564-7) https …, 2021
An integrated queuing-stochastic optimization hybrid Genetic Algorithm for a location-inventory supply chain network
M Fathi, M Khakifirooz, A Diabat, H Chen
International Journal of Production Economics, 2021
A queueing approach to production-inventory planning for supply chain with uncertain demands: Case study of PAKSHOO Chemicals Company
E Teimoury, M Modarres, F Ghasemzadeh, M Fathi
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 29 (2-3), 55-62, 2010
A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition and constraint programming for the multiobjective team orienteering problem with time windows
W Hu, M Fathi, PM Pardalos
Applied Soft Computing, 2018
Solving a Continuous Periodic Review Inventory-Location Allocation Problem in Vendor-Buyer Supply Chain under Uncertainty
SM Mousavi, PM Pardalos, STA Niaki, A Fugenschuh, M Fathi
Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2019
Development of Smart Semiconductor Manufacturing: Operations Research and Data Science Perspectives
M Khakifirooz, M Fathi, K Wu
IEEE Access, 1-12, 2019
A Multi-Objective Model for Risk Mitigating in Supply Chain Design
V Nooraei, M FATHI, M Narenji, MM Mellat-Parast, PM Pardalos, ...
International Journal of Production Research, 2020
A queuing approach for making decisions about order penetration point in multiechelon supply chains
E Teimoury, M Modarres, IG Khondabi, M Fathi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 63 (1-4), 359-371, 2012
Designing a Sustainable Reverse Supply Chain Network for COVID-19 Vaccine Waste Under Uncertainty
E Amani Bani, A Fallahi, M Varmazyar, M Fathi
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2022
Patient Waiting Time Management through Fuzzy based Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
S Dorosti, M Fathi, S Jafarzadeh Ghoushchi, M Khakifirooz, M Khazaeili
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2020
Modeling the merging capacity for two streams of product returns in remanufacturing systems
M Fathi, F Zandi, O Jouini
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 37, 265-276, 2015
An integrated operations-marketing perspective for making decisions about order penetration point in multi-product supply chain: a queuing approach
E Teimoury, M Fathi
International Journal of Production Research 51 (18), 5576-5596, 2013
Price, delivery time, and capacity decisions in an M/M/1 make-to-order/service system with segmented market
E Teimoury, M Modarres, AK Monfared, M Fathi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 57 (1), 235-244, 2011
A fuzzy clustering-based method for scenario analysis in strategic planning: The case of an Asian pharmaceutical company
MS Pishvaee, M Fathi, F Jolai
South African Journal of Business Management 39 (3), 21-31, 2008
Bi-objective Optimization for Customers’ Satisfaction Improvement in a Public Bicycle Sharing System
B Maleki Vishkaei, M Fathi, M Khakifirooz, P De Giovanni
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021
Hybrid Tabu Search Algorithm for Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling in Semiconductor Fabs with Setup Times, Job Release, and Expired Times
C Chen, M Fathi, M Khakifirooz, K Wu
Computer and Industrial Engineering, 2021
A Hybrid Genetic and Lagrangian Relaxation Algorithm for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling under Nonrenewable Resources
A Shirzadeh Chaleshtarti, S Shadrokh, M Khakifirooz, M Fathi, P Pardalos
Applied Soft Computing, 2020
Change-point estimation of the process fraction non-conforming with a linear trend in statistical process control
F Zandi, STA Niaki, MA Nayeri, M Fathi
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 24 (10), 939-947, 2011
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Articles 1–20