Sandra Sünram-Lea
Sandra Sünram-Lea
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Apolipoprotein E, cholesterol metabolism, diabetes, and the convergence of risk factors for Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease
IJ Martins, E Hone, JK Foster, SI Sünram-Lea, A Gnjec, SJ Fuller, D Nolan, ...
Molecular psychiatry 11 (8), 721-736, 2006
Glucose and memory: fractionation of enhancement effects?
JK Foster, PG Lidder, SI Sünram
Psychopharmacology 137, 259-270, 1998
Metabolic Agents that Enhance ATP can Improve Cognitive Functioning: A Review of the Evidence for Glucose, Oxygen, Pyruvate, Creatine, and l-Carnitine
L Owen, SI Sunram-Lea
Nutrients 3 (8), 735-755, 2011
Glucose facilitation of cognitive performance in healthy young adults: examination of the influence of fast-duration, time of day and pre-consumption plasma glucose levels
SI Sünram-Lea, JK Foster, P Durlach, C Perez
Psychopharmacology 157, 46-54, 2001
Investigation into the significance of task difficulty and divided allocation of resources on the glucose memory facilitation effect
SI Sünram-Lea, JK Foster, P Durlach, C Perez
Psychopharmacology 160, 387-397, 2002
The effect of retrograde and anterograde glucose administration on memory performance in healthy young adults
SI Sünram-Lea, JK Foster, P Durlach, C Perez
Behavioural brain research 134 (1-2), 505-516, 2002
The effects of exposure to an acute naturalistic stressor on working memory, state anxiety and salivary cortisol concentrations
SJ Robinson, SI Sünram-Lea, J Leach, PJ Owen-Lynch
Stress 11 (2), 115-124, 2008
Sugar rush or sugar crash? A meta-analysis of carbohydrate effects on mood
K Mantantzis, F Schlaghecken, SI Sünram-Lea, EA Maylor
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 101, 45-67, 2019
The hippocampus and delayed recall: bigger is not necessarily better?
JK Foster, A Meikle, G Goodson, AR Mayes, M Howard, SI Sunram, ...
Memory 7 (5-6), 715-733, 1999
Stress reactivity and cognitive performance in a simulated firefighting emergency
SJ Robinson, J Leach, PJ Owen-Lynch, SI Sünram-Lea
Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 84 (6), 592-599, 2013
Glucose administration prior to a divided attention task improves tracking performance but not word recognition: evidence against differential memory enhancement?
AB Scholey, SI Sünram-Lea, J Greer, J Elliott, DO Kennedy
Psychopharmacology 202, 549-558, 2009
The effect of glucose dose and fasting interval on cognitive function: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, six-way crossover study
L Owen, AB Scholey, Y Finnegan, H Hu, SI Sünram-Lea
Psychopharmacology 220, 577-589, 2012
Acute ingestion of different macronutrients differentially enhances aspects of memory and attention in healthy young adults
EK Jones, SI Sünram-Lea, KA Wesnes
Biological Psychology 89 (2), 477-486, 2012
The impact of diet-based glycaemic response and glucose regulation on cognition: evidence across the lifespan
SI Sünram-Lea, L Owen
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 76 (4), 466-477, 2017
The effect of energy drinks on cortisol levels, cognition and mood during a fire-fighting exercise
SI Sünram-Lea, J Owen-Lynch, SJ Robinson, E Jones, H Hu
Psychopharmacology 219, 83-97, 2012
Dose–response investigation into glucose facilitation of memory performance and mood in healthy young adults
SI Sünram-Lea, L Owen, Y Finnegan, H Hu
Journal of Psychopharmacology 25 (8), 1076-1087, 2011
The effect of acute administration of 400 mg of Panax ginseng on cognitive performance and mood in healthy young volunteers.
SI Sünram-Lea, RJ Birchall, KA Wesnes, O Petrini
P3b versus P3a: an event-related potential investigation of the glucose facilitation effect
LM Riby, SI Sünram-Lea, C Graham, JK Foster, T Cooper, C Moodie, ...
Journal of Psychopharmacology 22 (5), 486-492, 2008
The effect of glucose administration on the recollection and familiarity components of recognition memory
SI Sünram-Lea, SA Dewhurst, JK Foster
Biological Psychology 77 (1), 69-75, 2008
Glucose modulates event-related potential components of recollection and familiarity in healthy adolescents
MA Smith, LM Riby, SI Sünram-Lea, JAM Van Eekelen, JK Foster
Psychopharmacology 205, 11-20, 2009
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Articles 1–20