Johannes Friedl
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Remediation of contaminated agricultural soils near a former Pb/Zn smelter in Austria: batch, pot and field experiments
W Friesl, J Friedl, K Platzer, O Horak, MH Gerzabek
Environmental Pollution 144 (1), 40-50, 2006
Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), not denitrification dominates nitrate reduction in subtropical pasture soils upon rewetting
J Friedl, D De Rosa, DW Rowlings, PR Grace, C Müller, C Scheer
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 125, 340-349, 2018
Denitrification losses from an intensively managed sub-tropical pasture–Impact of soil moisture on the partitioning of N2 and N2O emissions
J Friedl, C Scheer, DW Rowlings, HV McIntosh, A Strazzabosco, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 92, 58-66, 2016
The nitrification inhibitor DMPP (3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate) reduces N2 emissions from intensively managed pastures in subtropical Australia
J Friedl, C Scheer, DW Rowlings, MT Mumford, PR Grace
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 108, 55-64, 2017
Measuring denitrification and the N2O:(N2O+ N2) emission ratio from terrestrial soils
J Friedl, LM Cardenas, TJ Clough, M Dannenmann, C Hu, C Scheer
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 47, 61-71, 2020
Predicting pasture biomass using a statistical model and machine learning algorithm implemented with remotely sensed imagery
D De Rosa, B Basso, M Fasiolo, J Friedl, B Fulkerson, PR Grace, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 180, 105880, 2021
Effect of the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) on N-turnover, the N2O reductase-gene nosZ and N2O:N2 partitioning from agricultural …
J Friedl, C Scheer, DW Rowlings, E Deltedesco, M Gorfer, D De Rosa, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 2399, 2020
Exponential response of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions to increasing nitrogen fertiliser rates in a tropical sugarcane cropping system
N Takeda, J Friedl, D Rowlings, D De Rosa, C Scheer, P Grace
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 313, 107376, 2021
Nitrous oxide emissions from ruminant urine: science and mitigation for intensively managed perennial pastures
TJ Clough, LM Cardenas, J Friedl, B Wolf
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 47, 21-27, 2020
Field-scale management and environmental drivers of N2O emissions from pasture-based dairy systems
D De Rosa, DW Rowlings, B Fulkerson, C Scheer, J Friedl, M Labadz, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 117, 299-315, 2020
Mobile continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometer system for automated measurements of N2 and N2O fluxes in fertilized cropping systems
DI Warner, C Scheer, J Friedl, DW Rowlings, C Brunk, PR Grace
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 11097, 2019
Effects of hydrochar derived from hydrothermal treatment of sludge and lignocellulose mixtures on soil properties, nitrogen transformation, and greenhouse gases emissions
M Ebrahimi, J Friedl, M Vahidi, DW Rowlings, Z Bai, K Dunn, IM O'Hara, ...
Chemosphere 307, 135792, 2022
Interaction between soil and fertiliser nitrogen drives plant nitrogen uptake and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in tropical sugarcane systems
N Takeda, J Friedl, R Kirkby, D Rowlings, D De Rosa, C Scheer, P Grace
Plant and Soil 477 (1), 647-663, 2022
Sources of nitrous oxide from intensively managed pasture soils: the hole in the pipe
J Friedl, C Scheer, D De Rosa, C Müller, PR Grace, DW Rowlings
Environmental Research Letters 16 (6), 065004, 2021
Environmental and economic trade‐offs of using composted or stockpiled manure as partial substitute for synthetic fertilizer
D De Rosa, J Biala, TH Nguyen, E Mitchell, J Friedl, C Scheer, PR Grace, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 51 (4), 589-601, 2022
Strategies for mitigating N2O and N2 emissions from an intensive sugarcane cropping system
J Friedl, D Warner, W Wang, DW Rowlings, PR Grace, C Scheer
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 125 (2), 295-308, 2023
Trade-off between ‘new’SOC stabilisation from above-ground inputs and priming of native C as determined by soil type and residue placement
E Mitchell, C Scheer, D Rowlings, MF Cotrufo, TR Conant, J Friedl, ...
Biogeochemistry, 2020
Combining nitrification inhibitors with a reduced N rate maintains yield and reduces N2O emissions in sweet corn
J Muller, D De Rosa, J Friedl, M De Antoni Migliorati, D Rowlings, P Grace, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 125 (2), 107-121, 2023
Seasonal rainfall distribution drives nitrogen use efficiency and losses in dryland summer sorghum
DW Rowlings, DW Lester, PR Grace, C Scheer, D De Rosa, ...
Field Crops Research 283, 108527, 2022
No sugar yield gains but larger fertiliser 15N loss with increasing N rates in an intensive sugarcane system
N Takeda, J Friedl, D Rowlings, D De Rosa, C Scheer, P Grace
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 121 (1), 99-113, 2021
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Articles 1–20