Sarah-Anne Munoz
Sarah-Anne Munoz
Head of Programme, Rural and Remote Health Research and Evaluation
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Cited by
Cited by
A rapid review of the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of healthcare workers: implications for supporting psychological well-being
JH De Kock, HA Latham, SJ Leslie, M Grindle, SA Munoz, L Ellis, ...
BMC public health 21, 1-18, 2021
Children in the Outdoors
SA Muņoz
London: Sustainable Development Research Centre, 2009
Processes of community-led social enterprise development: learning from the rural context
SA Munoz, A Steiner, J Farmer
Community Development Journal 50 (3), 478-493, 2015
Social enterprise and wellbeing in community life
J Farmer, T De Cotta, K McKinnon, J Barraket, SA Munoz, H Douglas, ...
Social Enterprise Journal 12 (2), 235-254, 2016
Towards a geographical research agenda for social enterprise
SA Muņoz
Area 42 (3), 302-312, 2010
The social enterprise as a space of well-being: an exploratory case study
SA Munoz, J Farmer, R Winterton, JO Barraket
Social Enterprise Journal 11 (3), 281-302, 2015
Community co-production: social enterprise in remote and rural communities
J Farmer, C Hill, SA Muņoz
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012
Theory in rural health
J Farmer, SA Munoz, G Threlkeld
Australian Journal of Rural Health 20 (4), 185-189, 2012
An exploration of the longer-term impacts of community participation in rural health services design
J Farmer, M Currie, A Kenny, SA Munoz
Social Science & Medicine 141, 64-71, 2015
Involving rural older people in service co-production: Is there an untapped pool of potential participants?
SA Munoz, J Farmer, J Warburton, J Hall
Journal of rural studies 34, 212-222, 2014
Social enterprise and public sector voices on procurement
SA Muņoz
Social Enterprise Journal 5 (1), 69-82, 2009
Considering the implications of place-based approaches for improving rural community wellbeing: The value of a relational lens
R Winterton, A Hulme Chambers, J Farmer, SA Munoz
Rural Society 23 (3), 283-295, 2014
What motivates participants to adhere to green exercise?
M Fraser, SA Munoz, S MacRury
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (10), 1832, 2019
Using micro-geography to understand the realisation of wellbeing: A qualitative GIS study of three social enterprises
J Farmer, P Kamstra, C Brennan-Horley, T De Cotta, M Roy, J Barraket, ...
Health & Place 62, 102293, 2020
Selling to the public sector: prospects and problems for social enterprise in the UK
SA Muņoz, S Tinsley
Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 43-62, 2008
The mental health of NHS staff during the COVID-19 pandemic: two-wave Scottish cohort study
JH De Kock, HA Latham, RG Cowden, B Cullen, K Narzisi, S Jerdan, ...
BJPsych open 8 (1), e23, 2022
Community participation for rural healthcare design: description and critique of a method
A Nimegeer, J Farmer, SA Munoz, M Currie
Health & Social Care in the Community 24 (2), 175-183, 2016
Revealing student nurses' perceptions of human dignity through curriculum co-design
SA Munoz, L Macaden, R Kyle, E Webster
Social science & medicine 174, 1-8, 2017
Co-producing care services in rural areas
SA Munoz
Journal of Integrated Care 21 (5), 276-287, 2013
How work integration social enterprises help to realize capability: A comparison of three Australian settings
J Farmer, T De Cotta, S Kilpatrick, J Barraket, M Roy, SA Munoz
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 12 (1), 87-109, 2021
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Articles 1–20