Raphael Trouvé
Raphael Trouvé
Research fellow, School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, University of Melbourne
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Stand density, tree social status and water stress influence allocation in height and diameter growth of Quercus petraea (Liebl.)
R Trouvé, JD Bontemps, I Seynave, C Collet, F Lebourgeois
Tree physiology 35 (10), 1035-1046, 2015
Phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation of functional traits influences intra-specific variation in hydraulic efficiency and safety
C Pritzkow, V Williamson, C Szota, R Trouvé, SK Arndt
Tree Physiology 40 (2), 215-229, 2020
Radial growth resilience of sessile oak after drought is affected by site water status, stand density, and social status
R Trouvé, JD Bontemps, C Collet, I Seynave, F Lebourgeois
Trees 31, 517-529, 2017
Gas emissions during cattle manure composting and stockpiling
M Bai, T Flesch, R Trouvé, T Coates, C Butterly, B Bhatta, J Hill, D Chen
Journal of Environmental Quality 49 (1), 228-235, 2020
Growth partitioning in forest stands is affected by stand density and summer drought in sessile oak and Douglas-fir
R Trouvé, JD Bontemps, C Collet, I Seynave, F Lebourgeois
Forest ecology and management 334, 358-368, 2014
Lignite effects on NH3, N2O, CO2 and CH4 emissions during composting of manure
M Bai, R Impraim, T Coates, T Flesch, R Trouvé, H van Grinsven, Y Cao, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 271, 110960, 2020
Decreasing stand density favors resistance, resilience, and recovery of Quercus petraea trees to a severe drought, particularly on dry sites
A Schmitt, R Trouvé, I Seynave, F Lebourgeois
Annals of Forest Science 77, 1-21, 2020
Estimating the self-thinning line from mortality data
R Trouvé, CR Nitschke, AP Robinson, PJ Baker
Forest Ecology and Management 402, 122-134, 2017
The effect of species, size, and fire intensity on tree mortality within a catastrophic bushfire complex
R Trouvé, L Oborne, PJ Baker
Ecological Applications 31 (6), e02383, 2021
Fuel reduction burning reduces wildfire severity during extreme fire events in south-eastern Australia
L Collins, R Trouvé, PJ Baker, B Cirulus, CR Nitschke, RH Nolan, L Smith, ...
Journal of environmental management 343, 118171, 2023
Herbivory of an invasive slug in a model grassland community can be affected by earthworms and mycorrhizal fungi
R Trouvé, T Drapela, T Frank, F Hadacek, JG Zaller
Biology and fertility of soils 50, 13-23, 2014
Radiocarbon dating informs tree fern population dynamics and disturbance history of temperate forests in southeast Australia
M Fedrigo, SB Stewart, S Kasel, V Levchenko, R Trouvé, CR Nitschke
Radiocarbon 61 (2), 445-460, 2019
Spatial and temporal dynamics of habitat availability and stability for a critically endangered arboreal marsupial: implications for conservation planning in a fire-prone landscape
CR Nitschke, R Trouvé, LF Lumsden, LT Bennett, M Fedrigo, ...
Landscape Ecology, 2020
Differing regeneration patterns after catastrophic fire and clearfelling: Implications for future stand dynamics and forest management
R Trouvé, RM Sherriff, LM Holt, PJ Baker
Forest Ecology and Management 498, 119555, 2021
Competition drives the decline of a dominant midstorey tree species. Habitat implications for an endangered marsupial
R Trouvé, CR Nitschke, L Andrieux, T Willersdorf, AP Robinson, PJ Baker
Forest Ecology and Management 447, 26-34, 2019
When do dendrometric rules fail? Insights from 20 years of experimental thinnings on sessile oak in the GIS Coop network
R Trouvé, JD Bontemps, C Collet, I Seynave, F Lebourgeois
Forest Ecology and Management 433, 276-286, 2019
The role of climatic variability on Eucalyptus regeneration in southeastern Australia
A Singh, PJ Baker, S Kasel, R Trouvé, SB Stewart, CR Nitschke
Global Ecology and Conservation 32, e01929, 2021
Disentangling fire intensity and species’ susceptibility to fire in a species‐rich seasonal tropical forest
R Trouvé, S Bunyavejchewin, PJ Baker
Journal of Ecology 108 (4), 1664-1676, 2020
Estimating Consignment‐Level Infestation Rates from the Proportion of Consignment that Failed Border Inspection: Possibilities and Limitations in the Presence of Overdispersed Data
R Trouvé, AP Robinson
Risk Analysis 41 (6), 992-1003, 2021
Quelles dimensions et quels indices d'hétérogénéité privilégier pour l'expérimentation dans les peuplements forestiers mélangés ou irréguliers?
T Cordonnier, P Dreyfus, R Trouvé
Revue forestière française 64 (6), 773-788, 2012
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Articles 1–20