Dorothee Holscher
Dorothee Holscher
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Cited by
Social work in times of neoliberalism: a postmodern discourse
V Sewpaul, D Hölscher
Van Schaik Publishers, 2004
The Emperor's new clothes: South Africa's attempted transition to developmental social welfare and social work
D Hölscher
International Journal of Social Welfare 17 (2), 114-123, 2008
Encountering the Other across the divides: Re-grounding social justice as a guiding principle for social work with refugees and other vulnerable groups
D Hölscher, V Grace Bozalek
British Journal of Social Work 42 (6), 1093-1112, 2012
Ethics as a site of resistance: The tension between social control and critical reflection
D Hölscher, V Sewpaul
Social Work: Making a World of Difference. Social Work Around the World IV …, 2006
Considering Nancy Fraser's Notion of Social Justice for Social Work: Reflections on Misframing and the Lives of Refugees in South Africa
D Hölscher
Ethics and Social Welfare 8 (1), 20-38, 2014
Against the odds: Community-based interventions for children in difficult circumstances in post-apartheid South Africa
V Sewpaul, D Hölscher
Revitalising communities in a globalising world, 193-206, 2018
Experiences of vulnerability and sources of resilience among immigrants and refugees
H Udah, P Singh, D Holscher, J Cartmel
Australasian Review of African Studies, The 40 (1), 81-100, 2019
Understanding the challenges and opportunities encountered by the elderly in urban KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
M Kasiram, D Holscher
South African Family Practice 57 (6), 381-386, 2015
Higher education hauntologies: Living with ghosts for a justice-to-come
V Bozalek, M Zembylas, S Motala, D Hölscher
Nancy Fraser and participatory parity: Reframing social justice in South African higher education
V Bozalek, D Hölscher, M Zembylas
Routledge, 2020
Caring for justice in a neoliberal university
D Hölscher
South African Journal of Higher Education 32 (6), 31-48, 2018
Anti-oppressive community work practice and the decolonisation debate: A contribution from the Global South
D Hölscher, S Chiumbu
Community Practice & Social Development in Social Work, 1-20, 2020
The relevance of Nancy Fraser for transformative social work education
D Hölscher, V Bozalek, M Gray
The Routledge handbook of critical pedagogies for social work, 245-259, 2020
Reflections on human rights and professional solidarity: A case study of Eritrea
D Hölscher, SY Berhane
International Social Work 51 (3), 311-323, 2008
Nancy Fraser’s work and its relevance to higher education
D Hölscher, V Bozalek
Nancy Fraser and Participatory Parity, 3-19, 2020
Assuming responsibility for justice in the context of South Africa's refugee receiving regime
D Hölscher, VG Bozalek, M Zembylas
Ethics and Social Welfare 8 (2), 187-204, 2014
“Deserving” children,“undeserving” mothers? Multiple perspectives on the child support grant
D Hölscher, M Kasiram, R Sathiparsad
Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk 45 (1), 2009
Social justice
D Hölscher
Handbook for International Social Work: Human Rights, Development & the …, 2012
A postmodern critique of the SACSSP’s draft code of ethics
D Hölscher
Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk 41 (3), 237-248, 2005
Subjectivities of survival: Conceptualising just responses to displacement, cross-border migration and structural violence in South Africa
D Hölscher
Social Work 52 (1), 54-72, 2016
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Articles 1–20