Liam Bray
Liam Bray
Senior Lecturer in Design, The University of Sydney
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Cited by
Rapid composition for networked devices: HappyBrackets
A Fraietta, O Bown, S Ferguson, S Gillespie, L Bray
Computer Music Journal 43 (2-3), 89-108, 2019
A Speculative Exploration of the Role of Dialogue in Human-Computer Co-creation
O Bown, K Grace, L Bray, D Ventura
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity …, 2020
Facilitating creative exploratory search with multiple networked audio devices using happybrackets
O Bown, A Fraietta, S Ferguson, L Loke, L Bray, M Queiroz, AX Sedó
International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2019 …, 2019
Applying core interaction design principles to computational creativity
L Bray, O Bown
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on computational …, 2016
An Open-Ended Blended Approach to Teaching Interaction Designers to Code
K Grace, B Klaassens, L Bray, A Elton-Pym
Frontiers in Computer Science, 60, 2022
Your move sounds so predictable!
L Loke, O Bown, S Ferguson, L Bray, A Fraietta, K Packham
Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in …, 2018
How Can We Deal With The Design Principle Of Visibility In Highly Encapsulated Computationally Creative Systems?
L Bray, O Bown, B Carey
ighth International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC, Atlanta, 2017
Linear and non-linear composition systems: User experience in nodal and pro tools
L Bray, O Bown
Proceedings of the Australian computer music association conference, 2014
Developing an educational resource aimed at improving adolescent digital health literacy: using co-design as research methodology
CC Lewis, M Taba, TB Allen, PHY Caldwell, SR Skinner, M Kang, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 26, e49453, 2024
Activated: designing for collective participation in media architecture
L Bray
Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction …, 2018
Ludic Human Computer Co-Creation
L Bray, O Bown
Annual Conference of the Australasian Computer Music Association, 2015
Modular Structure: Observations on Managing Compositional Algorithms
L Bray, B Carey, O Bown
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Musical Metacreation (MuMe), 2019
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Articles 1–12