Kate T. Anderson
Cited by
Cited by
Applying positioning theory to the analysis of classroom interactions: Mediating micro-identities, macro-kinds, and ideologies of knowing
KT Anderson
Linguistics and Education 20 (4), 291-310, 2009
Negotiating linguistic and cultural identities: Theorizing and constructing opportunities and risks in education
JS Lee, KT Anderson
Review of Research in Education 33 (1), 181-211, 2009
Discourse analysis as theory, method, and epistemology in studies of education policy
KT Anderson, J Holloway
Journal of Education Policy 35 (2), 188-221, 2020
Methodology brut Philosophy, Ecstatic Thinking, and Some Other (Unfinished) Things
M Koro-Ljungberg, D Carlson, M Tesar, K Anderson
Qualitative Inquiry 21 (7), 612-619, 2015
Seeing academically marginalized students’ multimodal authoring from a position of strength
KT Anderson, OG Stewart, D Kachorsky
Written Communication 34 (2), 104-134, 2017
Classroom discourse as a tool to enhance formative assessment and practise in science
KT Anderson, SJ Zuiker, G Taasoobshirazi, DT Hickey
International Journal of Science Education 29 (14), 1721-1744, 2007
Justifying race talk: Indexicality and the social construction of race and linguistic value
KT Anderson
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 18 (1), 108-129, 2008
Assessing students’ multimodal compositions: an analysis of the literature
KT Anderson, D Kachorsky
English Teaching: Practice and Critique 18 (3), 312-334, 2019
Enhancing inquiry, understanding, and achievement in an astronomy multimedia learning environment
G Taasoobshirazi, SJ Zuiker, KT Anderson, DT Hickey
Journal of Science Education and Technology 15 (5-6), 383-395, 2006
Contrasting Systemic Functional Linguistic and Situated Literacies Approaches to Multimodality in Literacy and Writing Studies
KT Anderson
Written Communication 30 (3), 276-299, 2013
Discourse Analysis in Educational Research
D Warriner, KT Anderson
Encyclopedia of Language and Education: Research Methods in Language and …, 2016
If Mobilizing Educational Research Is the Answer, Who Can Afford to Ask the Question? An Analysis of Faculty Perspectives on Knowledge Mobilization for Scholarship in Education
G Fischman, KT Anderson, A Tefera, S Zuiker
AERA Open 4 (1), 1-17, 2018
Second language acquisition for all: Understanding the interactional dynamics of classrooms in which Spanish and AAE are spoken
B Rymes, K Anderson
Research in the Teaching of English, 107-135, 2004
The Discursive Construction of Lower-Tracked Students: Ideologies of Meritocracy and the Politics of Education
KT Anderson
Education Policy Analysis Archives 23 (110), …, 2015
Situative Approaches to Student Assessment: Contextualizing Evidence to Transform Practice
DT Hickey, KT Anderson
Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education 106 (1), 264-287, 2007
Digital storytelling as an interactive digital media context
KT Anderson, PH Chua
Educational Technology, 32-36, 2010
Constructing “otherness”: ideologies and differentiating speech style
KT Anderson
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 17 (2), 178-197, 2007
Recognizing and transforming knowledge mobilization in colleges of education
Zuiker, S. Piepgrass,N., Tefera, A. Anderson, K., Fischman, G.
International Journal of Educational Policy & Leadership 15 (1), 1-19, 2019
Writing ourselves in: Researcher reflexivity in ethnographic and multimodal methods for understanding what counts, to whom, and how we know.
KT Anderson, O Stewart, M Aziz
Anthropology and Education Quarterly 47 (4), 385-401, 2016
Can You Design for Agency?: The Ideological Mediation of an Out-of-School Digital Storytelling Workshop
KT Anderson, P Wales
Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 9 (3), 165-190, 2012
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Articles 1–20