Petra Buergelt
Cited by
Cited by
Measuring tsunami preparedness in coastal Washington, United States
D Johnston, D Paton, GL Crawford, K Ronan, B Houghton, P Bürgelt
Natural hazards 35, 173-184, 2005
Natural hazard resilience: The role of individual and household preparedness
D Paton, J McClure, PT Bürgelt
Disaster resilience: An integrated approach 105, 27, 2006
Preparing for bushfires: understanding intentions
D Paton, PT Kelly, G., Buergelt, M Doherty
Disaster Prevention and Management 14 (4), 566-575, 2006
Living with bushfire risk: Social and environmental influences on preparedness
D Paton, PT Burgelt, T Prior
Australian Journal of Emergency Management, The 23 (3), 41-48, 2008
Making sense of natural hazard mitigation: Personal, social and cultural influences
D Paton, S Sagala, N Okada, LJ Jang, PT Bürgelt, CE Gregg
Environmental Hazards 9 (2), 183-196, 2010
Staying or returning: Pre‐migration influences on the migration process of German migrants to New Zealand
PT Bürgelt, M Morgan, R Pernice
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 18 (4), 282-298, 2008
Synergy of systems theory and symbolic interactionism: a passageway for non-Indigenous researchers that facilitates better understanding Indigenous worldviews and knowledges
T Ali, PT Buergelt, EL Maypilama, D Paton, JA Smith, N Jehan
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 25 (2), 197-212, 2022
Risk, transformation and adaptation: Ideas for reframing approaches to disaster risk reduction
D Paton, P Buergelt
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (14), 2594, 2019
An ecological risk management and capacity building model
PT Buergelt, D Paton
Human Ecology 42, 591-603, 2014
Managing tsunami risk: Social context influences on preparedness
D Paton, BF Houghton, CE Gregg, D McIvor, DM Johnston, P Bürgelt, ...
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 3 (1), 27-37, 2009
Integrating Indigenous perspectives and community-based disaster risk reduction: A pathway for sustainable Indigenous development in Northern Pakistan
T Ali, D Paton, PT Buergelt, JA Smith, N Jehan, A Siddique
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 59, 102263, 2021
Refugees, housing, and neighbourhoods in Australia
P Flatau, V Colic-Peisker, A Bauskis, P Maginn, P Buergelt
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, 2014
Wildfires: International perspectives on their social—Ecological implications
D Paton, PT Buergelt, F Tedim, S McCaffrey
Wildfire hazards, risks and disasters, 1-14, 2015
Facilitating sustainable disaster risk reduction in Indigenous communities: Reviving Indigenous worldviews, knowledge and practices through two-way partnering
T Ali, PT Buergelt, D Paton, JA Smith, EL Maypilama, D Yuŋgirrŋa, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (3), 855, 2021
Nandong Smong and Tsunami lullabies: Song and music as an effective communication tool in disaster risk reduction
SA Sutton, D Paton, P Buergelt, S Sagala, E Meilianda
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 65, 102527, 2021
Wildfire hazards, risks, and disasters
D Paton, PT Buergelt, S McCaffrey, F Tedim
Elsevier, 2014
Living in harmony with our environment: A paradigm shift
J Buergelt, P. T., Paton, D., Sithole, B., Sangha, K., Campion, O. B. & Campion
Disaster resilience: An integrated approach, 289-307, 2017
The Palgrave handbook of learning for transformation
A Nicolaides, S Eschenbacher, PT Buergelt, Y Gilpin-Jackson, M Welch, ...
palgrave macmillan 10, 978-3, 2022
What's in a name?“Smong” and the sustaining of risk communication and DRR behaviours as evocation fades
SA Sutton, D Paton, P Buergelt, E Meilianda, S Sagala
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 44, 101408, 2020
Community engagement and wildfire preparedness: The influence of community diversity
D Paton, PT Buergelt
Wildfire and community: Facilitating preparedness and resilience, 241-258, 2012
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Articles 1–20