Sarah Keene Meltzoff
Sarah Keene Meltzoff
Associate Professor of Marine Affairs and Policy, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami
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Cited by
Competing visions for marine tenure and co-management: genesis of a marine management area system in Chile
SK Meltzoff, YG Lichtensztajn, W Stotz
Coastal Management 30 (1), 85-99, 2002
Ceremonies of independence and public culture in the Solomon Islands
E LiPuma, SK Meltzoff
Public Culture 3 (1), 77-92, 1990
The social and political economy of coastal zone management: shrimp mariculture in Ecuador
SK Meltzoff, E LiPuma
Coastal Management 14 (4), 349-380, 1986
Marisquadoras of the shellfish revolution: the rise of women in co-management on Illa de Arousa, Galicia
SK Meltzoff
Journal of Political Ecology 2 (1), 20-38, 1995
Toward a theory of culture and class: an Iberian example
E Lipuma, SK Meltzoff
American Ethnologist 16 (2), 313-334, 1989
A Japanese fishing joint venture: worker experience and national development in the Solomon Islands
SK Meltzoff, ES LiPuma
WorldFish, 1983
Crocodilians and Olmecs: further interpretations in formative period iconography
T Stocker, S Meltzoff, S Armsey
American Antiquity 45 (4), 740-758, 1980
Hunting for tuna and cash in the Solomons: a rebirth of artisanal fishing in Malaita
SK Meltzoff, E LiPuma
Human organization 45 (1), 53-62, 1986
The crosscurrents of ethnicity and class in the construction of public policy
E LiPuma, SK Meltzoff
American Ethnologist 24 (1), 114-131, 1997
the troubled seas of Spanish fishermen: marine policy and the economy of change
SK Meltzoff, E LiPuma
American ethnologist 13 (4), 681-699, 1986
The social economy of shrimp mariculture in Ecuador
E LiPuma
University of Miami, 1985
Listening to sea lions: currents of change from Galapagos to Patagonia
SK Meltzoff
AltaMira Press, 2012
Economic mediation and the power of associations: toward a concept of encompassment
E LiPuma, SK Meltzoff
American anthropologist 96 (1), 31-51, 1994
Miskito ethnic struggle over land and lobster: Conserving culture and resources on Corn Island
SK Meltzoff, J Schull
Culture & Agriculture 21 (3), 10-18, 1999
Social organization of a Solomons-Japanese joint venture
S Meltzoff, E LiPuma
Oceania 56 (2), 85-105, 1985
The social economy of coastal resources: shrimp mariculture in Ecuador.
SK Meltzoff, E LiPuma
Voices of a natural prison: Tourism development and fisheries management among the political ghosts of pisagua, chile
SK Meltzoff, M Lemons, YG Lichtensztajn
Journal of Political Ecology 8 (1), 46-80, 2001
Beneath the veneer of paradise: the struggle over Cuban ethnic identity and place in Key West
SK Meltzoff
Ecumene 4 (2), 139-160, 1997
The Rise of Women in Fisheries Management: The Marisquadoras of Illa de Arousa, Galicia.
SK Meltzoff, K Broad
World Fisheries Congress (1st: Athens, Greece) 1992, 349-360, 1996
Nylon nets and national elites: Alata system of marine tenure among the Lau of Fanalei village, Port Adam passage, Small Malaita, Solomon Islands
SK Meltzoff
State and community in fisheries management: Power, policy, and practice, 69-81, 2000
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Articles 1–20