Jules B Kajtar
Cited by
Cited by
Pantropical climate interactions
W Cai, L Wu, M Lengaigne, T Li, S McGregor, JS Kug, JY Yu, MF Stuecker, ...
Science 363 (6430), eaav4236, 2019
SPH particle boundary forces for arbitrary boundaries
JJ Monaghan, JB Kajtar
Computer physics communications 180 (10), 1811-1820, 2009
Extremes, abrupt changes and managing risks
M Collins, M Sutherland., L Bouwer, SM Cheong, T Frölicher, ...
IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, 2019
Insights from CMIP6 for Australia's future climate
MR Grose, S Narsey, FP Delage, AJ Dowdy, M Bador, G Boschat, ...
Earth's Future 8, e2019EF001469, 2020
Model tropical Atlantic biases underpin diminished Pacific decadal variability
S McGregor, MF Stuecker, JB Kajtar, MH England, M Collins
Nature Climate Change 8, 493-498, 2018
SPH simulations of swimming linked bodies
JB Kajtar, JJ Monaghan
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (19), 8568-8587, 2008
Tropical climate variability: interactions across the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans
JB Kajtar, A Santoso, MH England, W Cai
Climate Dynamics 48, 2173-2190, 2017
On the choice of ensemble mean for estimating the forced signal in the presence of internal variability
LM Frankcombe, MH England, JB Kajtar, ME Mann, BA Steinman
Journal of Climate 31, 5681-5693, 2018
Model under-representation of decadal Pacific trade wind trends and its link to tropical Atlantic bias
JB Kajtar, A Santoso, S McGregor, MH England, Z Baillie
Climate Dynamics 50 (3), 1471-1484, 2018
Robust warming projections despite the recent hiatus
MH England, JB Kajtar, N Maher
Nature Climate Change 5, 394-396, 2015
Impacts of marine heatwaves on tropical western and central Pacific Island nations and their communities
NJ Holbrook, V Hernaman, S Koshiba, J Lako, JB Kajtar, P Amosa, ...
Global and Planetary Change 208, 103680, 2022
Understanding the changing nature of marine cold‐spells
Y Wang, JB Kajtar, LV Alexander, GS Pilo, NJ Holbrook
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (6), e2021GL097002, 2022
On the dynamics of swimming linked bodies
JB Kajtar, JJ Monaghan
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 29 (5), 377-386, 2010
CMIP5 intermodel relationships in the baseline Southern Ocean climate system and with future projections
JB Kajtar, A Santoso, M Collins, AS Taschetto, MH England, ...
Earth's Future 9, e2020EF001873, 2021
Global mean surface temperature response to large‐scale patterns of variability in observations and CMIP5
JB Kajtar, M Collins, LM Frankcombe, MH England, TJ Osborn, M Juniper
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (4), 2232-2241, 2019
A catalogue of marine heatwave metrics and trends for the Australian region
JB Kajtar, NJ Holbrook, V Hernaman
Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science 71 (3), 284-302, 2021
Indo-Pacific Climate Interactions in the Absence of an Indonesian Throughflow
JB Kajtar, A Santoso, MH England, W Cai
Journal of Climate 28, 5017–5029, 2015
On the swimming of fish like bodies near free and fixed boundaries
JB Kajtar, JJ Monaghan
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 33, 1-13, 2012
Indonesian Throughflow variability and linkage to ENSO and IOD in an ensemble of CMIP5 models
A Santoso, MH England, JB Kajtar, W Cai
Journal of Climate 35 (10), 3161-3178, 2022
Leonardo da Vinci’s turbulent tank in two dimensions
JJ Monaghan, JB Kajtar
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 44, 1-9, 2014
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Articles 1–20