Dr. Osama Sohaib
Dr. Osama Sohaib
A/Professor - Info. Systems/ Analytics (AURAK); Adjunct Fellow (University of Technology Sydney)
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Cited by
Integrating usability engineering and agile software development: A literature review
O Sohaib, K Khan
2010 international conference on Computer design and applications 2, V2-32-V2-38, 2010
A PLS-SEM Neural Network Approach for Understanding Cryptocurrency Adoption
O Sohaib, W Hussain, M Asif, M Ahmad, M Mazzara
IEEE Access 8, 13138-13150, 2020
Cloud computing model selection for e-commerce enterprises using a new 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic decision-making method
O Sohaib, M Naderpour, W Hussain, L Martinez
Computers & Industrial Engineering 132, 47-58, 2019
Integrating design thinking into extreme programming
O Sohaib, H Solanki, N Dhaliwa, W Hussain, M Asif
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10, 2485-2492, 2019
Applying systems thinking to flood disaster management for a sustainable development
J Rehman, O Sohaib, M Asif, B Pradhan
International journal of disaster risk reduction 36, 101101, 2019
Technology readiness and cryptocurrency adoption: PLS-SEM and deep learning neural network analysis
A Alharbi, O Sohaib
IEEE access 9, 21388-21394, 2021
Individual Level Culture Influence on Online Consumer iTrust Aspects Towards Purchase Intention Across Cultures: A S-O-R Model
O Sohaib, K Kang
Int. J. of Electronic Business 12 (2), 141-162, 2015
Factors impacting technology business incubator performance
M Binsawad, O Sohaib, I Hawryszkiewycz
International Journal of Innovation Management 23 (01), 1950007, 2019
Social networking services and social trust in social commerce: A PLS-SEM approach
O Sohaib
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 29 (2), 23-44, 2021
Knowledge sharing practices, intellectual capital and organizational performance
M Attar, K Kang, O Sohaib
E-commerce web accessibility for people with disabilities
O Sohaib, K Kang
Complexity in Information Systems Development: Proceedings of the 25th …, 2017
Internet of Things (IoT) in E-Commerce for People with Disabilities
osama sohaib, kang kyeong
The 15th International Conference on Electronic Business, 2015
Uncertainty avoidance and consumer cognitive innovativeness in e-commerce
O Sohaib, K Kang, I Miliszewska
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 27 (2), 59-77, 2019
Analysing cloud QoS prediction approaches and its control parameters: considering overall accuracy and freshness of a dataset
W Hussain, O Sohaib
IEEE Access 7, 82649-82671, 2019
Cultural Aspects of Business‐to‐Consumer (B2C) E‐commerce: Acomparative Analysis of Pakistan and Australia
O Sohaib, K Kang
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 61 (1 …, 2014
Cloud marginal resource allocation: a decision support model
W Hussain, O Sohaib, M Naderpour, H Gao
Mobile Networks and Applications 25, 1418-1433, 2020
Methodological investigation for enhancing the usability of university websites
M Manzoor, W Hussain, O Sohaib, FK Hussain, S Alkhalaf
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10, 531-549, 2019
Decision making on adoption of cloud computing in e-commerce using fuzzy TOPSIS
O Sohaib, M Naderpour
2017 IEEE international conference on fuzzy systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-6, 2017
Citizens Engagement in E-Participation on Egovernemnt Websites through SWAT Model: a Case of Saudi Arabia.
A Alharbi, K Kang, O Sohaib
PACIS, 2016
User Experience (UX) and the web accessibility standards
O Sohaib, W Hussain, MK Badini
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 8 (3), 584, 2011
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Articles 1–20