Krista G. Steenbergen
Cited by
Cited by
Unique surface patterns emerging during solidification of liquid metal alloys
J Tang, S Lambie, N Meftahi, AJ Christofferson, J Yang, MB Ghasemian, ...
Nature nanotechnology 16 (4), 431-439, 2021
Liquid metal synthesis solvents for metallic crystals
SA Idrus-Saidi, J Tang, S Lambie, J Han, M Mayyas, MB Ghasemian, ...
Science 378 (6624), 1118-1124, 2022
First-principles melting of gallium clusters down to nine atoms: structural and electronic contributions to melting
KG Steenbergen, N Gaston
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (37), 15325-15332, 2013
Electronic effects on the melting of small gallium clusters
KG Steenbergen, D Schebarchov, N Gaston
The Journal of chemical physics 137 (14), 2012
Relativistic coupled-cluster and density-functional studies of argon at high pressure
P Schwerdtfeger, KG Steenbergen, E Pahl
Physical Review B 95 (21), 214116, 2017
Thickness dependent thermal stability of 2D gallenene
KG Steenbergen, N Gaston
Chemical Communications 55 (60), 8872-8875, 2019
First-principles calculations of electronic and optical properties of LiCaAlF6 and LiSrAlF6 crystals as VUV to UV solid-state laser materials
MV Luong, MJF Empizo, M Cadatal-Raduban, R Arita, Y Minami, ...
Optical Materials 65, 15-20, 2017
Oscillatory bifurcation patterns initiated by seeded surface solidification of liquid metals
J Tang, S Lambie, N Meftahi, AJ Christofferson, J Yang, J Han, MA Rahim, ...
Nature Synthesis 1 (2), 158-169, 2022
Accurate, large-scale density functional melting of Hg: Relativistic effects decrease melting temperature by 160 K
KG Steenbergen, E Pahl, P Schwerdtfeger
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 (7), 1407-1412, 2017
A Two-Dimensional Liquid Structure Explains the Elevated Melting Temperatures of Gallium Nanoclusters
KG Steenbergen, N Gaston
Nano Letters 16 (1), 21–26, 2016
Geometrically induced melting variation in gallium clusters from first principles
KG Steenbergen, N Gaston
Physical Review B 88 (16), 161402(R), 2013
High pressure band gap modification of LiCaAlF6
T Shimizu, MV Luong, M Cadatal-Raduban, MJF Empizo, K Yamanoi, ...
Applied Physics Letters 110 (14), 2017
The cohesive energy of superheavy element copernicium determined from accurate relativistic coupled-cluster theory
KG Steenbergen, JM Mewes, LF Pašteka, HW Gäggeler, G Kresse, E Pahl, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (48), 32286-32295, 2017
Method of increments for the halogen molecular crystals: Cl, Br, and I
KG Steenbergen, N Gaston, C Müller, B Paulus
The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (12), 2014
Tunability of gas-expanded liquids under confinement: phase equilibrium and transport properties of ethylene-expanded methanol in mesoporous silica
KG Steenbergen, JL Kern, Z Wang, WH Thompson, BB Laird
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (9), 5010-5019, 2016
Dense or Porous Packing? Two‐Dimensional Self‐Assembly of Star‐Shaped Mono‐, Bi‐, and Terpyridine Derivatives
D Trawny, P Schlexer, K Steenbergen, JP Rabe, B Paulus, HU Reissig
ChemPhysChem 16 (5), 949-953, 2015
Modulating the thermal and structural stability of gallenene via variation of atomistic thickness
S Lambie, KG Steenbergen, N Gaston
Nanoscale Advances 3 (2), 499-507, 2021
Quantum Size Effects in the Size–Temperature Phase Diagram of Gallium: Structural Characterization of Shape‐Shifting Clusters
KG Steenbergen, N Gaston
Chemistry–A European Journal 21 (7), 2862-2869, 2015
Structural and electronic changes in Ga–In and Ga–Sn alloys on melting
C Ruffman, S Lambie, KG Steenbergen, N Gaston
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (2), 1236-1247, 2023
How a single aluminum atom makes a difference to gallium: First-principles simulations of bimetallic cluster melting
U Ojha, KG Steenbergen, N Gaston
The Journal of chemical physics 139 (9), 2013
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Articles 1–20