Dr. S.M. Muyeen
Dr. S.M. Muyeen
Professor, Qatar University, IEEE Fellow, FIEAust, CPEng, APEC Engineer, IntPE(Aus)
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Cited by
LCL filter design and performance analysis for grid-interconnected systems
A Reznik, MG Simoes, A Al-Durra, SM Muyeen
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (2), 1225-1232, 2014
Enhancing smart grid with microgrids: Challenges and opportunities
Y Yoldaş, A Önen, SM Muyeen, AV Vasilakos, I Alan
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72, 205-214, 2017
A variable speed wind turbine control strategy to meet wind farm grid code requirements
SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, T Murata, J Tamura
IEEE Transactions on power systems 25 (1), 331-340, 2009
Stability Augmentation of a Grid-connected Wind Farm
SM Muyeen, J Tamura, T Murata
Stability Augmentation of a Grid-connected Wind Farm, 2008
Microgrid transactive energy: Review, architectures, distributed ledger technologies, and market analysis
MF Zia, M Benbouzid, E Elbouchikhi, SM Muyeen, K Techato, ...
Ieee Access 8, 19410-19432, 2020
Blockchain applications in smart grid–review and frameworks
AS Musleh, G Yao, SM Muyeen
Ieee Access 7, 86746-86757, 2019
Comparative study on transient stability analysis of wind turbine generator system using different drive train models
SM Muyeen, MH Ali, R Takahashi, T Murata, J Tamura, Y Tomaki, ...
IET Renewable Power Generation 1 (2), 131-141, 2007
Wind farms fault ride through using DFIG with new protection scheme
KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 3 (2), 242-254, 2012
Operation and control of HVDC-connected offshore wind farm
SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 1 (1), 30-37, 2010
Integration of an energy capacitor system with a variable-speed wind generator
SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, T Murata, J Tamura
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 24 (3), 740-749, 2009
Design optimization of controller parameters used in variable speed wind energy conversion system by genetic algorithms
HM Hasanien, SM Muyeen
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 3 (2), 200-208, 2012
Towards next generation virtual power plant: Technology review and frameworks
EA Bhuiyan, MZ Hossain, SM Muyeen, SR Fahim, SK Sarker, SK Das
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150, 111358, 2021
Energy storage technologies: An integrated survey of developments, global economical/environmental effects, optimal scheduling model, and sustainable adaption policies
M Amir, RG Deshmukh, HM Khalid, Z Said, A Raza, SM Muyeen, ...
Journal of Energy Storage 72, 108694, 2023
Methods for advanced wind turbine condition monitoring and early diagnosis: A literature review
ML Hossain, A Abu-Siada, SM Muyeen
Energies 11 (5), 1309, 2018
Wind turbine gearbox anomaly detection based on adaptive threshold and twin support vector machines
HS Dhiman, D Deb, SM Muyeen, I Kamwa
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 36 (4), 3462-3469, 2021
Peer-to-peer energy trading in virtual power plant based on blockchain smart contracts
S Seven, G Yao, A Soran, A Onen, SM Muyeen
Ieee Access 8, 175713-175726, 2020
Robust control scheme for distributed battery energy storage systems in load frequency control
A Oshnoei, M Kheradmandi, SM Muyeen
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (6), 4781-4791, 2020
Transformation of microgrid to virtual power plant–a comprehensive review
L Yavuz, A Önen, SM Muyeen, I Kamwa
IET generation, transmission & distribution 13 (11), 1994-2005, 2019
Transient stability augmentation of power system including wind farms by using ECS
SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, MH Ali, T Murata, J Tamura
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 23 (3), 1179-1187, 2008
Low voltage ride through capability enhancement of wind turbine generator system during network disturbance
SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, T Murata, J Tamura, MH Ali, Y Matsumura, ...
IET Renewable power generation 3 (1), 65-74, 2009
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Articles 1–20