Chaoyi Pang
Chaoyi Pang
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Data matching using data clusters
C Pang, L Gu
US Patent App. 12/084,472, 2009
An effective approach for cyberbullying detection
V Nahar, X Li, C Pang
Communications in information science and management engineering 3 (5), 238, 2013
Semi-supervised learning for cyberbullying detection in social networks
V Nahar, S Al-Maskari, X Li, C Pang
Databases Theory and Applications: 25th Australasian Database Conference …, 2014
Online human gesture recognition from motion data streams
X Zhao, X Li, C Pang, X Zhu, QZ Sheng
Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia, 23-32, 2013
Sentiment analysis for effective detection of cyber bullying
V Nahar, S Unankard, X Li, C Pang
Web Technologies and Applications: 14th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb …, 2012
Maximum error-bounded piecewise linear representation for online stream approximation
Q Xie, C Pang, X Zhou, X Zhang, K Deng
The VLDB journal 23, 915-937, 2014
Semi-supervised multiple feature analysis for action recognition
S Wang, Z Ma, Y Yang, X Li, C Pang, AG Hauptmann
IEEE transactions on multimedia 16 (2), 289-298, 2013
Dominating sets in directed graphs
C Pang, R Zhang, Q Zhang, J Wang
Information sciences 180 (19), 3647-3652, 2010
Privacy-preserving fuzzy matching using a public reference table
C Pang, L Gu, D Hansen, A Maeder
Intelligent Patient Management, 71-89, 2009
Attentive prototype few-shot learning with capsule network-based embedding
F Wu, JS Smith, W Lu, C Pang, B Zhang
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Action recognition by exploring data distribution and feature correlation
S Wang, Y Yang, Z Ma, X Li, C Pang, AG Hauptmann
2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1370-1377, 2012
Acute ischaemic stroke prediction from physiological time series patterns
Q Zhang, Y Xie, P Ye, C Pang
The Australasian medical journal 6 (5), 280, 2013
Structured streaming skeleton--a new feature for online human gesture recognition
X Zhao, X Li, C Pang, QZ Sheng, S Wang, M Ye
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2014
Human action recognition based on semi-supervised discriminant analysis with global constraint
X Zhao, X Li, C Pang, S Wang
Neurocomputing 105, 45-50, 2013
Incremental maintenance of shortest distance and transitive closure in first-order logic and SQL
C Pang, G Dong, K Ramamohanarao
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 30 (3), 698-721, 2005
Cyberbullying detection based on text-stream classification
V Nahar, X Li, C Pang, Y Zhang
The 11th Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2013), 2013
Analyze EEG signals with extreme learning machine based on PMIS feature selection
H Zhao, X Guo, M Wang, T Li, C Pang, D Georgakopoulos
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 9, 243-249, 2018
Topological sorts on DAGs
C Pang, J Wang, Y Cheng, H Zhang, T Li
Information Processing Letters 115 (2), 298-301, 2015
3D shape segmentation using soft density peak clustering and semi-supervised learning
Z Shu, S Yang, H Wu, S Xin, C Pang, L Kavan, L Liu
Computer-Aided Design 145, 103181, 2022
Local correlation detection with linearity enhancement in streaming data
Q Xie, S Shang, B Yuan, C Pang, X Zhang
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information …, 2013
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Articles 1–20