Po-Ning Chen
Po-Ning Chen
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of California, Riverside
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Conserved quantities in general relativity--the view from null infinity
PN Chen, MT Wang, YK Wang, ST Yau
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.04010, 2022
Conserved quantities in general relativity: from the quasi-local level to spatial infinity
PN Chen, MT Wang, ST Yau
Communications in Mathematical Physics 338, 31-80, 2015
Supertranslation invariance of angular momentum
PN Chen, MT Wang, YK Wang, ST Yau
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.03235, 2021
Evaluating quasilocal energy and solving optimal embedding equation at null infinity
PN Chen, MT Wang, ST Yau
Communications in mathematical physics 308, 845-863, 2011
The electromagnetic Christodoulou memory effect and its application to neutron star binary mergers
L Bieri, PN Chen, ST Yau
Classical and Quantum Gravity 29 (21), 215003, 2012
Minimizing properties of critical points of quasi-local energy
PN Chen, MT Wang, ST Yau
Communications in Mathematical Physics 329, 919-935, 2014
Null asymptotics of solutions of the Einstein–Maxwell equations in general relativity and gravitational radiation
L Bieri, PN Chen, ST Yau
Quasilocal angular momentum and center of mass in general relativity
PN Chen, MT Wang, ST Yau
arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.0990, 2013
Evaluating small sphere limit of the Wang–Yau quasi-local energy
PN Chen, MT Wang, ST Yau
Communications in Mathematical Physics 357, 731-774, 2018
BMS charges without supertranslation ambiguity
PN Chen, MT Wang, YK Wang, ST Yau
Communications in Mathematical Physics 393 (3), 1411-1449, 2022
Evolution of angular momentum and center of mass at null infinity
PN Chen, J Keller, MT Wang, YK Wang, ST Yau
Communications in Mathematical Physics 386, 551-588, 2021
Cross-section continuity of definitions of angular momentum
PN Chen, DE Paraizo, RM Wald, MT Wang, YK Wang, ST Yau
Classical and Quantum Gravity 40 (2), 025007, 2022
Quasi-local energy with respect to a static spacetime
PN Chen, MT Wang, YK Wang, ST Yau
arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.02983, 2016
On the validity of the definition of angular momentum in general relativity
PN Chen, LH Huang, MT Wang, ST Yau
Annales Henri Poincaré 17, 253-270, 2016
Conserved quantities on asymptotically hyperbolic initial data sets
PN Chen, MT Wang, ST Yau
arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.1812, 2014
Rigidity of time-flat surfaces in the Minkowski spacetime
PN Chen, MT Wang, YK Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.6081, 2013
A simple algebraic proof of the algebraic index theorem
PN Chen, V Dolgushev
arXiv preprint math/0408210, 2004
Quantum-coupled single-electron thermal to electric conversion scheme
DM Wu, PL Hagelstein, P Chen, KP Sinha, A Meulenberg
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (9), 2009
Quasi-local energy in presence of gravitational radiation
PN Chen, MT Wang, ST Yau
International Journal of Modern Physics D 25 (13), 1645001, 2016
Quasi-local mass at the null infinity of the Vaidya spacetime
PN Chen, MT Wang, ST Yau
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.06165, 2016
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