Heyou Zhang
Heyou Zhang
在 uni-bayreuth.de 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
A virtual instrument to standardise the calibration of atomic force microscope cantilevers
JE Sader, R Borgani, CT Gibson, DB Haviland, MJ Higgins, JI Kilpatrick, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (9), 2016
Fe–N doped carbon nanotube/graphene composite: facile synthesis and superior electrocatalytic activity
S Zhang, H Zhang, Q Liu, S Chen
Journal of materials chemistry a 1 (10), 3302-3308, 2013
Direct assembly of large area nanoparticle arrays
H Zhang, J Cadusch, C Kinnear, T James, A Roberts, P Mulvaney
ACS nano 12 (8), 7529-7537, 2018
N-doped graphene/carbon composite as non-precious metal electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction
Q Liu, H Zhang, H Zhong, S Zhang, S Chen
Electrochimica Acta 81, 313-320, 2012
Tailoring molecular architectures of Fe phthalocyanine on nanocarbon supports for high oxygen reduction performance
S Zhang, H Zhang, X Hua, S Chen
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (18), 10013-10019, 2015
Fabrication of SingleNanocrystal Arrays
H Zhang, C Kinnear, P Mulvaney
Advanced Materials 32 (18), 1904551, 2020
Direct assembly of vertically oriented, gold nanorod arrays
H Zhang, Y Liu, MFS Shahidan, C Kinnear, F Maasoumi, J Cadusch, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (6), 2006753, 2021
One-pot synthesis of carbon-supported monodisperse palladium nanoparticles as excellent electrocatalyst for ethanol and formic acid oxidation
Q Wang, Y Liao, H Zhang, J Li, W Zhao, S Chen
Journal of Power Sources 292, 72-77, 2015
Potential-scanning localized plasmon sensing with single and coupled gold nanorods
T Kawawaki, H Zhang, H Nishi, P Mulvaney, T Tatsuma
The journal of physical chemistry letters 8 (15), 3637-3641, 2017
Boosting the performance of iron-phthalocyanine as cathode electrocatalyst for alkaline polymer fuel cells through edge-closed conjugation
H Zhang, S Zhang, Y Wang, J Si, Y Chen, L Zhuang, S Chen
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (34), 28664-28671, 2018
An optically responsive soft etalon based on ultrathin cellulose hydrogels
Y Dong, EM Akinoglu, H Zhang, F Maasoumi, J Zhou, P Mulvaney
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (40), 1904290, 2019
Snapshot hyperspectral imaging (SHI) for revealing irreversible and heterogeneous plasmonic processes
SR Kirchner, KW Smith, BS Hoener, SSE Collins, W Wang, YY Cai, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (12), 6865-6875, 2018
Directed chemical assembly of single and clustered nanoparticles with silanized templates
C Kinnear, J Cadusch, H Zhang, J Lu, TD James, A Roberts, P Mulvaney
Langmuir 34 (25), 7355-7363, 2018
Induced growth of Fe-Nx active sites using carbon templates
S Zhang, H Zhang, W Zhang, X Yuan, S Chen, ZF Ma
Chinese Journal of Catalysis 39 (8), 1427-1435, 2018
Fabrication of hollow materials by fast pyrolysis of cellulose composite fibers with heterogeneous structures
Y Dong, B Jia, F Fu, H Zhang, L Zhang, J Zhou
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (43), 13504-13508, 2016
Growth of Gold Nanorods: A SAXS Study
S Seibt, H Zhang, S Mudie, S Förster, P Mulvaney
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (36), 19947-19960, 2021
CuSCN modified back contacts for high performance CZTSSe solar cells
Y Ji, X Zhao, Y Pan, Z Su, J Lin, EM Akinoglu, Y Xu, H Zhang, P Zhao, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (11), 2211421, 2023
A Tunable Polymer–Metal Based AntiReflective Metasurface
Y Brasse, C Ng, M Magnozzi, H Zhang, P Mulvaney, A Fery, DE Gómez
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 41 (1), 1900415, 2020
A general method for direct assembly of single nanocrystals
H Zhang, Y Liu, A Ashokan, C Gao, Y Dong, C Kinnear, N Kirkwood, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 10 (14), 2200179, 2022
Concealed structural colors uncovered by light scattering
EM Akinoglu, J Song, C Kinnear, Y Xue, H Zhang, A Roberts, J Köhler, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 8 (22), 2001307, 2020
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