Jon Kerridge
Jon Kerridge
Professor of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University
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Cited by
Human movement behaviour in urban spaces: Implications for the design and modelling of effective pedestrian environments
A Willis, N Gjersoe, C Havard, J Kerridge, R Kukla
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 31 (6), 805-828, 2004
Agent-based modelling of pedestrian movements: the questions that need to be asked and answered
J Kerridge, J Hine, M Wigan
Environment and planning B: Planning and design 28 (3), 327-341, 2001
PEDFLOW: Development of an autonomous agent model of pedestrian flow
R Kukla, J Kerridge, A Willis, J Hine
Transportation Research Record 1774 (1), 11-17, 2001
Occam programming: a practical approach
J Kerridge
Laying the foundations: The use of video footage to explore pedestrian dynamics in PEDFLOW
A Willis, R Kukla, J Kerridge, J Hine
Springer, 2002
Developing the behavioural rules for an agent-based model of pedestrian movement.
A Willis, R Kukla, J Kerridge
Best practice for implementing a data warehouse: a review for strategic alignment.
R Weir, T Peng, J Kerridge
Three solutions for a robot arm controller using Pascal‐Plus, occam and edison
JM Kerridge, D Simpson
Software: Practice and Experience 14 (1), 3-15, 1984
Monitoring the movement of pedestrians using low-cost infrared detectors: initial findings.
J Kerridge, A Armitage, D Binnie, L Lei, N Sumpter
A product line based aspect-oriented generative unit testing approach to building quality components
Y Feng, X Liu, J Kerridge
31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference …, 2007
Collecting pedestrian trajectory data in real-time
J Kerridge, S Keller, T Chamberlain, N Sumpter
Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2005, 27-39, 2005
Groovy Parallel! A Return to the Spirit of occam?
J Broenink, H Roebbers, J Sunter, P Welch, D Wood
Communicating Process Architectures 2005: WoTUG-28: Proceedings of the 28th …, 2005
A critique of JCSP networking
K Chalmers, J Kerridge, I Romdhani
Communicating Process Architectures 2008, 271-291, 2008
Mobility in JCSP: New Mobile Channel and Mobile Process Models
A McEwan, S Schneider, W Ifill, P Welch
CPA, 163-182, 2007
Application of context-mediated behavior to a multi-agent pedestrian flow model (PEDFLOW).
R Kukla, A Willis, J Kerridge
Measuring pedestrian trajectories with low cost infrared detectors: Preliminary results.
A Armitage, D Binnie, J Kerridge, L Lei
PEDFLOW-A system for modelling pedestrian movement using occam
J Kerridge, N McNair
IOS Press, 1999
jcsp. mobile: A Package Enabling Mobile Processes and Channels.
K Chalmers, JM Kerridge
CPA, 109-127, 2005
A query mediation approach to interoperability of heterogeneous databases
HC Huang, J Kerridge, SL Chen
Proceedings 11th Australasian Database Conference. ADC 2000 (Cat. No …, 2000
Modelling test data for performance evaluation of large parallel database machines
C Bates, I Jelly, J Kerridge
Distributed and Parallel Databases 4, 5-23, 1996
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Articles 1–20