Alejandro Canepuccia
Alejandro Canepuccia
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (IIMyC). CONICET-UNMdP
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Mycorrhizal fungi determine salt-marsh plant zonation depending on nutrient supply
P Daleo, J Alberti, A Canepuccia, M Escapa, E Fanjul, BR Silliman, ...
Journal of Ecology, 431-437, 2008
Geographical Variation in the Diet of Geoffroy's Cat (Oncifelis geoffroyi) in Pampas Grassland of Argentina
C Manfredi, M Lucherini, AD Canepuccia, EB Casanave
Journal of Mammalogy 85 (6), 1111-1115, 2004
Grazer facilitation of fungal infection and the control of plant growth in south-western Atlantic salt marshes
P Daleo, B Silliman, J Alberti, M Escapa, A Canepuccia, N Peña, ...
Journal of Ecology, 781-787, 2009
The Southwest Atlantic intertidal burrowing crab Neohelice granulata modifies nutrient loads of phreatic waters entering coastal area
E Fanjul, MA Grela, A Canepuccia, O Iribarne
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79 (2), 300-306, 2008
Differential responses of marsh arthropods to rainfall-induced habitat loss
AD Canepuccia, A Cicchino, A Escalante, A Novaro, JP Isacch
Zoological Studies 48 (2), 174-183, 2009
Waterbird response to changes in habitat area and diversity generated by rainfall in a SW Atlantic coastal lagoon
AD Canepuccia, JP Isacch, DA Gagliardini, AH Escalante, OO Iribarne
Waterbirds 30 (4), 541-553, 2007
Selection of waterbirds by Geoffroy's cat: effects of prey abundance, size, and distance
AD Canepuccia, MM Martinez, AI Vassallo
Mammalian Biology 72 (3), 163-173, 2007
Positive interactions of the smooth cordgrass Spartina alterniflora on the mud snail Heleobia australis, in south western Atlantic salt marshes
AD Canepuccia, M Escapa, P Daleo, J Alberti, F Botto, OO Iribarne
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 353 (2), 180-190, 2007
Effects of nutrient enrichment and crab herbivory on a SW Atlantic salt marsh productivity
J Alberti, J Cebrian, AM Casariego, A Canepuccia, M Escapa, O Iribarne
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 405 (1-2), 99-104, 2011
Joint control by rodent herbivory and nutrient availability of plant diversity in a salt marsh–salty steppe transition zone
J Alberti, A Canepuccia, J Pascual, C Pérez, O Iribarne
Journal of Vegetation Science 22 (2), 216-224, 2011
Herbivory affects salt marsh succession dynamics by suppressing the recovery of dominant species
P Daleo, J Alberti, J Pascual, A Canepuccia, O Iribarne
Oecologia 175, 335-343, 2014
Changes in rainfall pattern affect crab herbivory rates in a SW Atlantic salt marsh
J Alberti, D Montemayor, F Álvarez, AM Casariego, T Luppi, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 353 (1), 126-133, 2007
ENSO episodes modify plant/terrestrial–herbivore interactions in a southwestern Atlantic salt marsh
AD Canepuccia, J Alberti, J Pascual, G Alvarez, J Cebrian, OO Iribarne
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 396 (1), 42-47, 2010
The Intertidal Burrowing Crab Neohelice (=Chasmagnathus) granulata Positively Affects Foraging of Rodents in South Western Atlantic Salt Marshes
AD Canepuccia, MS Fanjul, E Fanjul, F Botto, OO Iribarne, ...
Estuaries and coasts 31, 920-930, 2008
Differential responses of marsh predators to rainfall-induced habitat loss and subsequent variations in prey availability
AD Canepuccia, AA Farias, AH Escalante, O Iribarne, A Novaro, JP Isacch
Canadian Journal of Zoology 86 (5), 407-418, 2008
Ecosystem engineering by burrowing crabs increases cordgrass mortality caused by stem-boring insects
AD Canepuccia, J Alberti, P Daleo, J Pascual, JL Farina, OO Iribarne
Marine Ecology Progress Series 404, 151-159, 2010
Dissimilarity in plant species diversity between salt marsh and neighboring environments decreases as environmental harshness increases
AD Canepuccia, CF Pérez, JL Farina, D Alemany, OO Iribarne
Marine Ecology Progress Series 494, 135-148, 2013
Efectos del incremento de las precipitaciones sobre la estructura comunitaria de un pastizal del Sudeste de la región Pampeana, Argentina
A Canepuccia
Unpublished PhD diss., University of Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2005
Aboveground Biomass Patterns of Dominant Spartina Species and Their Relationship with Selected Abiotic Variables in Argentinean SW Atlantic Marshes
DI Montemayor, AD Canepuccia, J Pascual, OO Iribarne
Estuaries and coasts 37, 411-420, 2014
Recomendaciones para el manejo y conservación de la Reserva Mar Chiquita
O Iribarne, S Bachmann, A Canepuccia, V Comparartore, A Farias, ...
Reserva de Biosfera Mar Chiquita: características físicas, biológicas y …, 2001
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