Marcus Foth
Marcus Foth
Professor of Urban Informatics, School of Design, Queensland University of Technology
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Can cities become smart without being sustainable? A systematic review of the literature
T Yigitcanlar, M Kamruzzaman, M Foth, J Sabatini-Marques, E Da Costa, ...
Sustainable cities and society 45, 348-365, 2019
Identifying factors that promote consumer behaviours causing expired domestic food waste
G Farr‐Wharton, M Foth, JHJ Choi
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 13 (6), 393-402, 2014
Gamification and serious games within the domain of domestic energy consumption: A systematic review
D Johnson, E Horton, R Mulcahy, M Foth
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73, 249-264, 2017
Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City
M Foth
IGI Global, 2009
Libraries as coworking spaces: Understanding user motivations and perceived barriers to social learning
M Bilandzic, M Foth
Library hi tech 31 (2), 254-273, 2013
Urban informatics
M Foth, JH Choi, C Satchell
Proceedings of the ACM 2011 conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 2011
Networked individualism of urban residents: Discovering the communicative ecology in inner-city apartment buildings
M Foth, G Hearn
Information, communication & society 10 (5), 749-772, 2007
From social butterfly to engaged citizen: urban informatics, social media, ubiquitous computing, and mobile technology to support citizen engagement
M Foth, L Forlano, C Satchell, M Gibbs
MIT Press, 2011
Action research and new media: Concepts, methods and cases
G Hearn, JA Tacchi, M Foth, J Lennie
Hampton Press, 2009
Everyday creativity as civic engagement: A cultural citizenship view of new media
J Burgess, M Foth, H Klaebe
Proceedings 2006 Communications Policy & Research Forum, 1-16, 2006
Applications and implementations of new media in corporate communications: An action research approach
G Hearn, M Foth, H Gray
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 14 (1), 49-61, 2009
Motivating domestic energy conservation through comparative, community-based feedback in mobile and social media
P Petkov, F Köbler, M Foth, H Krcmar
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Communities and …, 2011
Participatory action research for civic engagement
M Foth, M Brynskov
Civic media: Technology, design, practice, 563-580, 2016
Towards post-anthropocentric cities: Reconceptualizing smart cities to evade urban ecocide
T Yigitcanlar, M Foth, M Kamruzzaman
Journal of Urban Technology 26 (2), 147-152, 2019
Citizen’s right to the digital city
M Foth, M Brynskov, T Ojala
Berlin: Springer. doi, 2015
The Second Life of urban planning? Using NeoGeography tools for community engagement
M Foth, B Bajracharya, R Brown, G Hearn
Journal of location based services 3 (2), 97-117, 2009
Participatory Design and Action Reseach: Identical Twins or Synergetic Pair?
M Foth, J Axup
PDC, 93-96, 2006
Strengthening consumer trust in beef supply chain traceability with a blockchain-based human-machine reconcile mechanism
S Cao, W Powell, M Foth, V Natanelov, T Miller, U Dulleck
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 180, 2021
Augmenting public participation: enhancing planning outcomes through the use of social media and web 2.0
J Fredericks, M Foth
Australian planner 50 (3), 244-256, 2013
Participatory urban informatics: towards citizen-ability
M Foth
Smart and sustainable built environment 7 (1), 4-19, 2018
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Articles 1–20