Yoni Nazarathy
Cited by
Cited by
Towards q-learning the whittle index for restless bandits
J Fu, Y Nazarathy, S Moka, PG Taylor
2019 Australian & New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC), 249-254, 2019
Linear-quadratic model predictive control for urban traffic networks
T Le, HL Vu, Y Nazarathy, B Vo, S Hoogendoorn
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 80, 512-530, 2013
Near optimal control of queueing networks over a finite time horizon
Y Nazarathy, G Weiss
Annals of Operations Research 170 (1), 233-249, 2009
A survey of parameter and state estimation in queues
A Asanjarani, Y Nazarathy, P Taylor
Queueing Systems 97, 39-80, 2021
The age of information in gossip networks
J Selen, Y Nazarathy, LLH Andrew, HL Vu
International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques …, 2013
The asymptotic variance of departures in critically loaded queues
A Al Hanbali, M Mandjes, Y Nazarathy, W Whitt
Advances in Applied Probability 43 (1), 243-263, 2011
Estimation of semi-Markov multi-state models: a comparison of the sojourn times and transition intensities approaches
A Asanjarani, B Liquet, Y Nazarathy
The international journal of biostatistics 18 (1), 243-262, 2022
The asymptotic variance rate of the output process of finite capacity birth-death queues
Y Nazarathy, G Weiss
Queueing Systems 59 (2), 135-156, 2008
Parameter and state estimation in queues and related stochastic models: A bibliography
A Asanjarani, Y Nazarathy, PK Pollett
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.08338, 2017
A push–pull network with infinite supply of work
A Kopzon, Y Nazarathy, G Weiss
Queueing Systems 62 (1), 75-111, 2009
Positive Harris recurrence and diffusion scale analysis of a push pull queueing network
Y Nazarathy, G Weiss
Performance Evaluation 67 (4), 201-217, 2010
Towards demand side management control using household specific Markovian models
E Thomas, R Sharma, Y Nazarathy
Automatica 101, 450-457, 2019
A fluid approach to large volume job shop scheduling
Y Nazarathy, G Weiss
Journal of Scheduling 13 (5), 509-529, 2010
Shortest paths in Stochastic time-dependent networks with link travel time correlation
W Dong, HL Vu, Y Nazarathy, BQ Vo, M Li, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Record 2338 (1), 58-66, 2013
Statistics with Julia: Fundamentals for data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence
Y Nazarathy, H Klok
Springer Nature, 2021
Stability of multi-class queueing networks with infinite virtual queues
Y Guo, E Lefeber, Y Nazarathy, G Weiss, H Zhang
Queueing Systems 76, 309-342, 2014
The mathematical engineering of deep learning
B Liquet, S Moka, Y Nazarathy
CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2024
A dynamic view to moment matching of truncated distributions
B Liquet, Y Nazarathy
Statistics & Probability Letters 104, 87-93, 2015
A correction term for the covariance of renewal-reward processes with multivariate rewards
B Patch, Y Nazarathy, T Taimre
Statistics & Probability Letters 102, 1-7, 2015
Exploration vs exploitation with partially observable Gaussian autoregressive arms
J Kuhn, M Mandjes, Y Nazarathy
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Self-Adaptive Systems 1 (4), 2015
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Articles 1–20