Paulo Takeo Sano
Paulo Takeo Sano
Professor e Pesquisador do Departamento de Botânica, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo
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Cited by
Growing knowledge: an overview of seed plant diversity in Brazil
BFG-The Brazil Flora Group, DC Zappi, FLR Filardi, P Leitman, VC Souza, ...
Rodriguésia 66 (4), 1085-1113, 2015
Brazilian Flora 2020: innovation and collaboration to meet Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC)
FLR Filardi, F Barros, JFA Baumgratz, CEM Bicudo, TB Cavalcanti, ...
Rodriguésia 69, 1513-1527, 2018
Ensino de Botânica: conhecimento e encantamento na educação científica
S Ursi, PP Barbosa, PT Sano, FAS Berchez
Estudos avançados 32 (94), 07-24, 2018
Molecular phylogeny, morphology and their implications for the taxonomy of Eriocaulaceae
AM Giulietti, MJG Andrade, VL Scatena, M Trovó, AI Coan, PT Sano, ...
Rodriguésia 63, 001-019, 2012
Molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of Neotropical Paepalanthoideae with emphasis on Brazilian Paepalanthus (Eriocaulaceae)
M Trovó, MJG De Andrade, PT Sano, PL Ribeiro, C Van den Berg
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 171 (1), 225-243, 2013
Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network
Brazil Flora Group, J Gomes‐da‐Silva, FLR Filardi, MRV Barbosa, ...
Taxon 71 (1), 178-198, 2022
Actinocephalus (Körn.) Sano (Paepalanthus sect. Actinocephalus), a new genus of Eriocaulaceae, and other taxonomic and nomenclatural changes involving Paepalanthus Mart.
PT Sano
Taxon 53 (1), 99-107, 2004
Eriocaulaceae na Cadeia do Espinhaço: riqueza, endemismo e ameaças
FN Costa, M Trovó, PT Sano
Megadiversidade 4 (1-2), 117-125, 2008
Multidisciplinary studies on neotropical Eriocaulaceae
AM Giulietti, VL Scatena, PT Sano, LR Parra, LP Queiroz, RM Harley, ...
Monocots: systematics and evolution, 2000
Biogeographical patterns of Myrcia sl (Myrtaceae) and their correlation with geological and climatic history in the Neotropics
MF Santos, E Lucas, PT Sano, S Buerki, VG Staggemeier, F Forest
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 108, 34-48, 2017
Fisionomia e composição da vegetação florestal na Serra do Cipó, MG, Brasil
MF Santos, H Serafim, PT Sano
Acta Botanica Brasilica 25, 793-814, 2011
Biodiversidade tropical
MHB Martins, PT Sano
UNESP, 2004
Taxonomic survey of Paepalanthus section Diphyomene (Eriocaulaceae)
M Trovo, PT Sano
Phytotaxa 14 (1), 49-55, 2010
AM Giulietti, PT Sano, FN Costa, LR Parra, L Echternacht, ...
Stannard, BL Flora of the Pico das Almas, Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brasil …, 1995
Phylogeny and taxonomy of Syngonanthus and Comanthera (Eriocaulaceae): Evidence from expanded sampling
L Echternacht, PT Sano, C Bonillo, C Cruaud, A Couloux, JY Dubuisson
Taxon 63 (1), 47-63, 2014
Phylogeny, morphology and circumscription of Myrcia sect. Sympodiomyrcia (Myrcia s.l., Myrtaceae)
MF Santos, PT Sano, F Forest, E Lucas
Taxon 65 (4), 759-774, 2016
Teaching of Botany in higher education: representations and discussions of undergraduate students
JRS Silva, F Guimarães, PT Sano
Universidade de Vigo, 2016
Pollination biology of Syngonanthus elegans (Eriocaulaceae–Poales)
A Oriani, PT Sano, VL Scatena
Australian Journal of botany 57 (2), 94-105, 2009
PT Sano, AM Giulietti, FN Costa, M Trovó, L Echternacht, ...
Flora fanerogâmica do estado de São Paulo. Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo …, 2012
Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais
JR Pirani, PT Sano, R Mello-Silva, NL Menezes, AM Giulietti, DC Zappi, ...
Available at< Available at http://www. ib. usp. br/botanica/serradocipo …, 2015
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Articles 1–20