Fabio Pedraza
Fabio Pedraza
Highland Specialty Grains
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Cited by
Development of a genome-wide anchored microsatellite map for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
MW Blair, F Pedraza, HF Buendia, E Gaitán-Solís, SE Beebe, P Gepts, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107, 1362-1374, 2003
Structure of genetic diversity among common bean landraces of Middle American origin based on correspondence analysis of RAPD
S Beebe, PW Skroch, J Tohme, MC Duque, F Pedraza, J Nienhuis
Crop science 40 (1), 264-273, 2000
Quantitative trait loci for root architecture traits correlated with phosphorus acquisition in common bean
SE Beebe, M Rojas‐Pierce, X Yan, MW Blair, F Pedraza, F Munoz, ...
Crop Science 46 (1), 413-423, 2006
Identifying resistance gene analogs associated with resistances to different pathogens in common bean
CE López, IF Acosta, C Jara, F Pedraza, E Gaitán-Solís, G Gallego, ...
Phytopathology 93 (1), 88-95, 2003
Development and utilization of SSRs to estimate the degree of genetic relationships in a collection of pearl millet germplasm
H Budak, F Pedraza, PB Cregan, PS Baenziger, I Dweikat
Crop Science 43 (6), 2284-2290, 2003
Comparison of Mexican Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Core and Reserve Germplasm Collections
PW Skroch, J Nienhuis, S Beebe, J Tohme, F Pedraza
Crop Science 38 (2), 488-496, 1998
Gene-based SSR markers for common bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.) derived from root and leaf tissue ESTs: an integration of the BMc series
MW Blair, N Hurtado, CM Chavarro, MC Muñoz-Torres, MC Giraldo, ...
BMC Plant Biology 11, 1-10, 2011
Genetic mapping of the bean golden yellow mosaic geminivirus resistance gene bgm-1 and linkage with potyvirus resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
MW Blair, LM Rodriguez, F Pedraza, F Morales, S Beebe
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 114 (2), 261-271, 2007
Development and diversity of Andean-derived, gene-based microsatellites for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
MW Blair, MM Torres, MC Giraldo, F Pedraza
BMC Plant Biology 9, 1-14, 2009
Marcadores SCAR y RAPD para la resistencia a la bacteriosis comun (CBB)
F Pedraza, G Gallego, S Beebe, J Tohme
Taller de mejoramiento de frijol para el Siglo XXI: Bases para una …, 1997
Development of microsatellite markers for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) based on screening of non-enriched, small-insert genomic libraries
MW Blair, MM Torres, F Pedraza, MC Giraldo, HF Buendia, N Hurtado
Genome 52 (9), 772-782, 2009
A genetic map of common bean combining RFLP, RAPD, SCAR and AFLP markers
S Beebe, F Pedraza, M Rojas, J Gutierrez, J Tohme
A new PCR‐based linkage map in pearl millet
F Pedraza‐Garcia, JE Specht, I Dweikat
Crop science 50 (5), 1754-1760, 2010
PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES-Structure of Genetic Diversity among Common Bean Landraces of Middle American Origin Based on Correspondence Analysis of RAPD
S Beebe, PW Skroch, J Tohme, MC Duque, F Pedraza, J Nienhuis
Crop Science 40 (1), 264-272, 2000
Parallel sequencing of expressed sequence tags from two complementary DNA libraries for high and low phosphorus adaptation in common beans
MW Blair, AC Fernandez, F Pedraza, MC Muñoz‐Torres, NS Kapu, ...
The Plant Genome 4 (3), 2011
Perspectivas para el uso de marcadores moleculares en el mejoramiento del frijol
S Beebe, F Pedraza
Universidad de Costa Rica, 1998
Development of SCAR markers linked to common bacterial blight resistance genes (QTL) in common bean
G Jung, SE Beebe, J Nienhuis, SJ Park, DP Coyne, J Marita, ...
Identificación de marcadores moleculares asociados a genes de rendimiento en una población RC2F3. 7 de fríjol común Phaseolus vulgaris L.(DOR390 x G19892)
HF Buendia, SE Beebe, MW Blair, H Teran, F Pedraza
Fitotecnia Col 3, 57-64, 2003
Molecular marker for the apomixis gene in Brachiaria
JW Miles, F Pedraza García, N Palacios, JM Tohme
Town and Country Convention Center, 1994
Studies in Phaseolus germplasm diversity: a review of work at CIAT
SE Beebe, JM Tohme, J Nienhuis, F Pedraza García, J Rengifo, ...
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Articles 1–20