Gwilym A V Price
Gwilym A V Price
Australian Antarctic Division
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Cited by
Assessing the risk of metals and their mixtures in the Antarctic nearshore marine environment with diffusive gradients in thin-films
DJ Koppel, CK King, KE Brown, GAV Price, MS Adams, DF Jolley
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (1), 306-315, 2019
Natural organic matter source, concentration, and pH influences the toxicity of zinc to a freshwater microalga
GAV Price, JL Stauber, DF Jolley, DJ Koppel, EJ Van Genderen, AC Ryan, ...
Environmental Pollution 318, 120797, 2023
The influence of pH on zinc lability and toxicity to a tropical freshwater microalga
GAV Price, JL Stauber, A Holland, DJ Koppel, EJ Van Genderen, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40 (10), 2836-2845, 2021
Assessing metal contaminants in Antarctic soils using diffusive gradients in thin-films
DJ Koppel, GAV Price, KE Brown, MS Adams, CK King, DB Gore, ...
Chemosphere 269, 128675, 2021
The influence of hardness at varying pH on zinc toxicity and lability to a freshwater microalga, Chlorella sp.
GAV Price, JL Stauber, A Holland, DJ Koppel, EJ Van Genderen, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 24 (5), 783-793, 2022
Does toxicity test variability support bioavailability model predictions being within a factor of 2?
GAV Price, JL Stauber, S Stone, DJ Koppel, A Holland, D Jolley
Environmental Chemistry 19 (4), 177-182, 2022
The Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Technique Predicts Sediment Nickel Toxicity to the Amphipod Melita plumulosa
ML Gillmore, GAV Price, LA Golding, JL Stauber, MS Adams, SL Simpson, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40 (5), 1266-1278, 2021
Metal lability and environmental risk in anthropogenically disturbed Antarctic melt streams
DJ Koppel, J Bishop, K Kopalová, GAV Price, KE Brown, MS Adams, ...
Environmental Pollution 287, 117627, 2021
Applicability of chronic multiple linear regression models for predicting zinc toxicity in Australian and New Zealand freshwaters
JL Stauber, J Gadd, GAV Price, A Evans, A Holland, A Albert, GE Batley, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 42 (12), 2614-2629, 2023
High Sensitivity of the Antarctic Rotifer Adineta editae to Metals and Ecological Relevance in Contaminated Site Risk Assessments
KE Brown, DJ Koppel, GAV Price, CK King, MS Adams, DF Jolley
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 42 (6), 1409-1419, 2023
Development and validation of multiple linear regression models for predicting chronic zinc toxicity to freshwater microalgae
GAV Price, JL Stauber, DF Jolley, DJ Koppel, EJ Van Genderen, AC Ryan, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 42 (12), 2630-2641, 2023
Acute and chronic toxicity of manganese to tropical adult coral (Acropora millepora) to support the derivation of marine manganese water quality guideline values
LA Golding, MT Binet, MS Adams, J Hochen, CA Humphrey, GAV Price, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 194, 115242, 2023
One Size Doesn't Fit All: Developing Bioavailability-based Models for Zinc Toxicity to Microalgae
GAV Price
Metal Mobility, Sea Ice Cover, and Physicochemical Properties of Sediments as Predictors of Benthic Communities in Antarctic Coastal Environments
DJ Koppel, GAV Price, KE Brown, CK King, SA Stephenson, F Gissi, ...
Sea Ice Cover, and Physicochemical Properties of Sediments as Predictors of …, 0
Understanding the Influence of pH, Hardness and Dissolved Organic Carbon on Zinc Toxicity to a Tropical Freshwater Microalga
G Price, J Stauber, A Holland, D Koppel, E Van Genderen, D Jolley
SETAC North America 41st Annual Meeting, 0
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Articles 1–15