Dane Lamb
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Cited by
Role of organic amendments on enhanced bioremediation of heavy metal (loid) contaminated soils
JH Park, D Lamb, P Paneerselvam, G Choppala, N Bolan, JW Chung
Journal of hazardous materials 185 (2-3), 549-574, 2011
Heavy metal (Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) partitioning and bioaccessibility in uncontaminated and long-term contaminated soils
DT Lamb, H Ming, M Megharaj, R Naidu
Journal of hazardous materials 171 (1-3), 1150-1158, 2009
Biofilms enhance the adsorption of toxic contaminants on plastic microfibers under environmentally relevant conditions
G Bhagwat, TKA Tran, D Lamb, K Senathirajah, I Grainge, W O’Connor, ...
Environmental science & technology 55 (13), 8877-8887, 2021
Rhizoremediation as a green technology for the remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soils
SA Hoang, D Lamb, B Seshadri, B Sarkar, G Choppala, MB Kirkham, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 401, 123282, 2021
Removal of arsenate from contaminated waters by novel zirconium and zirconium-iron modified biochar
MA Rahman, D Lamb, MM Rahman, MM Bahar, P Sanderson, S Abbasi, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 409, 124488, 2021
Pyrogenic carbon and its role in contaminant immobilization in soils
F Qi, S Kuppusamy, R Naidu, NS Bolan, YS Ok, D Lamb, Y Li, L Yu, ...
Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 47 (10), 795-876, 2017
Cadmium solubility and bioavailability in soils amended with acidic and neutral biochar
F Qi, D Lamb, R Naidu, NS Bolan, Y Yan, YS Ok, MM Rahman, ...
Science of the Total Environment 610, 1457-1466, 2018
Thermal stability of biochar and its effects on cadmium sorption capacity
F Qi, Y Yan, D Lamb, R Naidu, NS Bolan, Y Liu, YS Ok, SW Donne, ...
Bioresource technology 246, 48-56, 2017
Bioavailability of barium to plants and invertebrates in soils contaminated by barite
DT Lamb, VP Matanitobua, T Palanisami, M Megharaj, R Naidu
Environmental science & technology 47 (9), 4670-4676, 2013
Mitigation of petroleum-hydrocarbon-contaminated hazardous soils using organic amendments: a review
SA Hoang, B Sarkar, B Seshadri, D Lamb, H Wijesekara, M Vithanage, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 416, 125702, 2021
Effects of acidic and neutral biochars on properties and cadmium retention of soils
F Qi, Z Dong, D Lamb, R Naidu, NS Bolan, YS Ok, C Liu, N Khan, ...
Chemosphere 180, 564-573, 2017
Phytocapping: an alternative technology for the sustainable management of landfill sites
DT Lamb, K Venkatraman, N Bolan, N Ashwath, G Choppala, R Naidu
Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 44 (6), 561-637, 2014
Rare earth elements (REE) for the removal and recovery of phosphorus: A review
A Kunhikrishnan, MA Rahman, D Lamb, NS Bolan, S Saggar, ...
Chemosphere 286, 131661, 2022
Contaminant containment for sustainable remediation of persistent contaminants in soil and groundwater
LP Padhye, P Srivastava, T Jasemizad, S Bolan, D Hou, SM Shaheen, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 455, 131575, 2023
Comparative sorption and mobility of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) species in a range of soils: implications to bioavailability
G Choppala, N Bolan, D Lamb, A Kunhikrishnan
Water, air, & soil pollution 224, 1-12, 2013
Arsenic geochemistry and mineralogy as a function of particle-size in naturally arsenic-enriched soils
AF Gerdelidani, H Towfighi, K Shahbazi, DT Lamb, G Choppala, S Abbasi, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 403, 123931, 2021
Competitive sorption of cadmium and zinc in contrasting soils
H Ming, R Naidu, B Sarkar, DT Lamb, Y Liu, M Megharaj, D Sparks
Geoderma 268, 60-68, 2016
Copper phytotoxicity in native and agronomical plant species
DT Lamb, R Naidu, H Ming, M Megharaj
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 85, 23-29, 2012
Relative tolerance of a range of Australian native plant species and lettuce to copper, zinc, cadmium, and lead
DT Lamb, H Ming, M Megharaj, R Naidu
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 59, 424-432, 2010
Arsenic-imposed effects on schwertmannite and jarosite formation in acid mine drainage and coupled impacts on arsenic mobility
ED Burton, N Karimian, SG Johnston, VA Schoepfer, G Choppala, ...
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 5 (6), 1418-1435, 2021
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Articles 1–20