Yao-Lung L. Fang
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Cited by
mpi4py: Status Update After 12 Years of Development
L Dalcin, YLL Fang
Computing in Science & Engineering 23 (4), 47-54, 2021
Quantum long short-term memory
SYC Chen, S Yoo, YLL Fang
ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2022
Waveguide QED: Power spectra and correlations of two photons scattered off multiple distant qubits and a mirror
YLL Fang, HU Baranger
Physical Review A 91 (5), 053845, 2015
Exciting a bound state in the continuum through multiphoton scattering plus delayed quantum feedback
G Calajó, YLL Fang, HU Baranger, F Ciccarello
Physical review letters 122 (7), 073601, 2019
Quantum architecture search via deep reinforcement learning
EJ Kuo, YLL Fang, SYC Chen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.07715, 2021
One-dimensional waveguide coupled to multiple qubits: photon-photon correlations
YLL Fang, H Zheng, HU Baranger
EPJ Quantum Technology 1 (1), 3, 2014
Accelerating parameter inference with graphics processing units
D Wysocki, R O’Shaughnessy, J Lange, YLL Fang
Physical Review D 99 (8), 084026, 2019
Non-Markovian dynamics of a qubit due to single-photon scattering in a waveguide
YLL Fang, F Ciccarello, HU Baranger
New Journal of Physics 20, 043035, 2018
cuQuantum SDK: A high-performance library for accelerating quantum science
H Bayraktar, A Charara, D Clark, S Cohen, T Costa, YLL Fang, Y Gao, ...
2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE …, 2023
Multiple emitters in a waveguide: Non-reciprocity and correlated photons at perfect elastic transmission
YLL Fang, HU Baranger
Physical Review A 96 (1), 013842, 2017
High-performance multi-mode ptychography reconstruction on distributed GPUs
Z Dong, YLL Fang, X Huang, H Yan, S Ha, W Xu, YS Chu, SI Campbell, ...
2018 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS), 1-5, 2018
Photon correlations generated by inelastic scattering in a one-dimensional waveguide coupled to three-level systems
YLL Fang, HU Baranger
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 78, 92-99, 2016
Synthesizing electromagnetically induced transparency without a control field in waveguide QED using small and giant atoms
A Ask, YLL Fang, AF Kockum
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.15077, 2020
Methods and results for quantum optimal pulse control on superconducting qubit systems
ES Matekole, YLL Fang, M Lin
2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2022
Resolving 500 nm axial separation by multi-slice X-ray ptychography
X Huang, H Yan, Y He, M Ge, H Öztürk, YLL Fang, S Ha, M Lin, M Lu, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 75 (2), 336-341, 2019
FDTD: Solving 1+1D delay PDE in parallel
YLL Fang
Computer Physics Communications 235, 422, 2018
Erratum: Waveguide QED: Power spectra and correlations of two photons scattered off multiple distant qubits and a mirror [Phys. Rev. A 91, 053845 (2015)]
YLL Fang, HU Baranger
Physical Review A 96 (5), 059904, 2017
Accelerated Computing for X-ray Ptychography at NSLS-II
YLL Fang, S Ha, X Huang, H Yan, Z Dong, YS Chu, SI Campbell, W Xu, ...
Waveguide QED: Multiple Qubits, Inelastic Scattering, and Non-Markovianity
YLL Fang
Duke University, 2017
Python Array API Standard: Toward Array Interoperability in the Scientific Python Ecosystem
A Meurer, A Reines, R Gommers, YLL Fang, J Kirkham, M Barber, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd Python in Science Conference, 8-17, 2023
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Articles 1–20