Colin McNamara
Colin McNamara
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Dopaminergic neurons promote hippocampal reactivation and spatial memory persistence
CG McNamara, Á Tejero-Cantero, S Trouche, N Campo-Urriza, D Dupret
Nature neuroscience 17 (12), 1658-1660, 2014
Hippocampal offline reactivation consolidates recently formed cell assembly patterns during sharp wave-ripples
GM van de Ven, S Trouche, CG McNamara, K Allen, D Dupret
Neuron 92 (5), 968-974, 2016
Novelty and dopaminergic modulation of memory persistence: a tale of two systems
AJ Duszkiewicz, CG McNamara, T Takeuchi, L Genzel
Trends in neurosciences 42 (2), 102-114, 2019
Recoding a cocaine-place memory engram to a neutral engram in the hippocampus
S Trouche, PV Perestenko, GM van de Ven, CT Bratley, CG McNamara, ...
Nature neuroscience 19 (4), 564-567, 2016
Two sources of dopamine for the hippocampus
CG McNamara, D Dupret
Trends in neurosciences 40 (7), 383-384, 2017
Phase-dependent suppression of beta oscillations in Parkinson's disease patients
AB Holt, E Kormann, A Gulberti, M Pötter-Nerger, CG McNamara, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (6), 1119-1134, 2019
Stable, interactive modulation of neuronal oscillations produced through brain-machine equilibrium
CG McNamara, M Rothwell, A Sharott
Cell Reports 41 (6), 111616, 2022
Parkinson's disease uncovers an underlying sensitivity of subthalamic nucleus neurons to beta-frequency cortical input in vivo
MK Baaske, E Kormann, AB Holt, A Gulberti, CG McNamara, ...
Neurobiology of Disease 146, 105119, 2020
Phase-dependent closed-loop modulation of neural oscillations in vivo
CG McNamara, M Rothwell, A Sharott
BioRXiv, 2020.05. 21.102335, 2020
Coordinating brain-distributed network activities in memory resistant to extinction
CJ Clarke-Williams, V Lopes-dos-Santos, L Lefèvre, D Brizee, AA Causse, ...
Cell 187 (2), 409-427. e19, 2024
OscillTrack–Real-time neuronal oscillation tracking for closed-loop stimulation
C McNamara, A Sharott
University of Oxford, 2022
Apparatus and method for phase tracking an oscillatory signal
CG Mcnamara, AD Sharott
US Patent App. 17/437,869, 2022
Hierarchical encoding of reward, effort and choice across the cortex and basal ganglia during cost-benefit decision making
O Härmson, I Grennan, B Perry, R Toth, CG McNamara, T Denison, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.10. 31.563750, 2023
Electrocorticogram with closed-loop stimulation of basal ganglia nuclei aligned to beta oscillation phase.
C McNamara, M Rothwell, A Sharott
University of Oxford, 2022
Relating the midbrain dopaminergic system to hippocampal cell assembly dynamics associated with spatial memory function
C McNamara
University of Oxford, 2015
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