Pan Hu
Pan Hu
Senior Lecturer, Western Sydney University
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Cited by
Predicting the resistance profile of a spudcan penetrating sand overlying clay
P Hu, D Wang, MJ Cassidy, SA Stanier
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 51 (10), 1151-1164, 2014
Predicting peak resistance of spudcan penetrating sand overlying clay
P Hu, SA Stanier, MJ Cassidy, D Wang
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 140 (2), 04013009, 2014
Direct and indirect measurement of soil suction in the laboratory
H Pan, Y Qing, L Pei-yong
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 15 (3), 1-14, 2010
Assessing the punch-through hazard of a spudcan on sand overlying clay
P Hu, D Wang, SA Stanier, MJ Cassidy
Géotechnique 65 (11), 883-896, 2015
Effect of footing shape on penetration in sand overlying clay
P Hu, SA Stanier, D Wang, MJ Cassidy
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 16 (3), 119-133, 2016
Geotechnical design practices and soil–structure interaction effects of an integral bridge system: A review
LD Sigdel, A Al-Qarawi, CJ Leo, S Liyanapathirana, P Hu
Applied Sciences 11 (15), 7131, 2021
Bayesian prediction of peak resistance of a spudcan penetrating sand-over-clay
J Li, P Hu, M Uzielli, MJ Cassidy
Géotechnique 68 (10), 905-917, 2018
Predicting jack-up spudcan installation in sand overlying stiff clay
P Hu, MJ Cassidy
Ocean Engineering 146, 246-256, 2017
Feasibility study on manganese nodules recovery in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone
B Agarwal, P Hu, M Placidi, H Santo, JJ Zhou
University of Southampton, 2012
Predicting punch-through failure of a spudcan on sand overlying clay
P Hu
Measured and calculated spudcan penetration profiles for case histories in sand-over-clay
MS Hossain, P Hu, MJ Cassidy, D Menzies, A Wingate
Applied Ocean Research 82, 447-457, 2019
Deterministic and probabilistic advances in the analysis of spudcan behaviour
MJ Cassidy, J Li, P Hu, M Uzielli, S Lacasse
Proc., 3rd Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, 183-212, 2015
A comparison of full profile prediction methods for a spudcan penetrating sand overlying clay
P Hu, SA Stanier, D Wang, MJ Cassidy
Géotechnique Letters 5 (3), 131-139, 2015
A spreadsheet-based technique to calculate the passive soil pressure based on the log-spiral method
AS Alqarawi, CJ Leo, DS Liyanapathirana, L Sigdel, M Lu, P Hu
Computers and Geotechnics 130, 103926, 2021
Bearing capacity on sand overlying clay: An analytical model for predicting post peak behaviour
P Hu, MJ Cassidy, MF Randolph
Marine Structures 59, 94-104, 2018
Effect of spudcan shape on mitigating punch-through in sand-over-clay
J Lee, MS Hossain, P Hu, Y Kim, MJ Cassidy, Y Hu, S Park
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 20 (3), 150-163, 2020
胡畔, 杨庆
岩土力学 33 (2), 453-458, 2012
Experimental study of swelling characteristics of bentonite-sand mixture
P Hu, Q Yang
Rock and Soil Mechanics 33 (2), 453-458, 2012
Advances in the prediction of spudcan punch-through in double-layered soils
P Hu, Z Xiao, C Leo, S Liyanapathirana
Marine Structures 79, 103038, 2021
Application of engineered compressible inclusions to mitigating soil-structure interaction issues in integral bridge abutments
LD Sigdel, M Lu, A Al-qarawi, CJ Leo, S Liyanapathirana, P Hu
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15 (8), 2132-2146, 2023
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Articles 1–20