Dr Gobind G. Pillai
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Cited by
Near-term economic benefits from grid-connected residential PV (photovoltaic) systems
GG Pillai, GA Putrus, T Georgitsioti, NM Pearsall
Energy 68, 832-843, 2014
Techno-economic potential of largescale photovoltaics in Bahrain
G Pillai, HAY Naser
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 27, 40-45, 2018
PV microgrid design for rural electrification
S Mothilal Bhagavathy, G Pillai
Designs 2 (3), 33, 2018
Generation of synthetic benchmark electrical load profiles using publicly available load and weather data
GG Pillai, GA Putrus, NM Pearsall
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 61, 1-10, 2014
A combined model for PV system lifetime energy prediction and annual energy assessment
T Georgitsioti, N Pearsall, I Forbes, G Pillai
Solar Energy 183, 738-744, 2019
The effect of distribution network on the annual energy yield and economic performance of residential PV systems under high penetration
G Pillai, G Putrus, N Pearsall, T Georgitsioti
Renewable Energy 108, 144-155, 2017
Towards self-sustainable island grids through optimal utilization of renewable energy potential and community engagement
M Jelić, M Batić, N Tomašević, A Barney, H Polatidis, T Crosbie, ...
Energies 13 (13), 3386, 2020
Transition towards decarbonisation for islands: Development of an integrated energy planning platform and application
A Barney, H Polatidis, M Jelić, N Tomašević, G Pillai, D Haralambopoulos
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 47, 101501, 2021
Assessing the technical impact of integrating largescale photovoltaics to the electrical power network of Bahrain
G Pillai, HY Naser
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 20, 78-87, 2017
Wind speed and wind power forecasting using wavelet denoising-GMDH neural network
S Makhloufi, GG Pillai
2017 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering-Boumerdes (ICEE …, 2017
The potential of demand side management to facilitate PV penetration
GG Pillai, GA Putrus, NM Pearsall
2013 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT Asia), 1-5, 2013
A qualitative based causal-loop diagram for understanding policy design challenges for a sustainable transition pathway: the case of tees valley region, UK
B Gudlaugsson, DA Ghanem, H Dawood, G Pillai, M Short
Sustainability 14 (8), 4462, 2022
Short‐term performance variations of different photovoltaic system technologies under the humid subtropical climate of Kanpur in India
T Georgitsioti, G Pillai, N Pearsall, G Putrus, I Forbes, R Anand
IET Renewable Power Generation 9 (5), 438-445, 2015
The techno-economic feasibility of providing solar photovoltaic backup power
G Pillai, J Hodgson, CC Insaurralde, M Pinitjitsamut, S Deepa
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), 1-6, 2016
Power quality event classification in distribution grids using machine learning
TP Tun, G Pillai
2021 56th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-6, 2021
Performance evaluation of machine learning algorithms in predicting dew point pressure of gas condensate reservoirs
P Ikpeka, J Ugwu, P Russell, G Pillai
SN Applied Sciences 2, 1-14, 2020
Facilitating higher photovoltaic penetration in residential distribution networks using demand side management and active voltage control
G Pillai, M Allison, TP Tun, K Chandrakumar Jyothi, E Kollonoor Babu
Engineering Reports, e12410, 2021
Cuckoo search algorithm for integration wind power generation to meet load demand growth
S Makhloufi, SD Koussa, GG Pillai
2017 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2017
Impact of distribution network voltage rise on PV system energy yield
GG Pillai, GA Putrus, NM Pearsall
India Conference (INDICON), 2013 Annual IEEE DOI:10.1109/INDCON.2013.6725971 …, 2013
Effectiveness of electrokinetic-enhanced oil recovery (EK-EOR): A systematic review
PM Ikpeka, JO Ugwu, GG Pillai, P Russell
Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 69 (1), 60, 2022
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Articles 1–20