Mark Hoffman
Mark Hoffman
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Free vibration analysis of layered functionally graded beams with experimental validation
N Wattanasakulpong, BG Prusty, DW Kelly, M Hoffman
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 36, 182-190, 2012
Direct measurement of the domain switching contribution to the dynamic piezoelectric response in ferroelectric ceramics
JL Jones, M Hoffman, JE Daniels, AJ Studer
Applied physics letters 89 (9), 092901, 2006
Effect of grain size on mechanical properties of submicrometer 3Y‐TZP: fracture strength and hydrothermal degradation
J Eichler, J Rödel, U Eisele, M Hoffman
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90 (9), 2830-2836, 2007
Electric-field-induced strain mechanisms in lead-free
H Simons, J Daniels, W Jo, R Dittmer, A Studer, M Avdeev, J Rödel, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (8), 082901, 2011
Crack propagation in graded composites
MT Tilbrook, RJ Moon, M Hoffman
Composites science and technology 65 (2), 201-220, 2005
Nanocomposite Ti–Si–N, Zr–Si–N, Ti–Al–Si–N, Ti–Al–V–Si–N thin film coatings deposited by vacuum arc deposition
PJ Martin, A Bendavid, JM Cairney, M Hoffman
Surface and Coatings Technology 200 (7), 2228-2235, 2005
Recent advances in understanding the fatigue and wear behavior of dental composites and ceramics
JJ Kruzic, JA Arsecularatne, CB Tanaka, MJ Hoffman, PF Cesar
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 88, 504-533, 2018
Electric fatigue of lead‐free piezoelectric materials
J Glaum, M Hoffman
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97 (3), 665-680, 2014
Saturated domain switching textures and strains in ferroelastic ceramics
JL Jones, M Hoffman, KJ Bowman
Journal of applied physics 98 (2), 024115, 2005
A High‐Temperature‐Capacitor Dielectric Based on K0.5Na0.5NbO3‐Modified Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3–Bi1/2K1/2TiO3
R Dittmer, EM Anton, W Jo, H Simons, JE Daniels, M Hoffman, J Pokorny, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95 (11), 3519-3524, 2012
Transmission electron microscope characterisation of molar-incisor-hypomineralisation
Z Xie, NM Kilpatrick, MV Swain, PR Munroe, M Hoffman
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 19 (10), 3187-3192, 2008
Mechanical behaviour and energy absorption of closed-cell aluminium foam panels in uniaxial compression
MI Idris, T Vodenitcharova, M Hoffman
Materials Science and Engineering: A 517 (1-2), 37-45, 2009
Microstructural effects on indentation failure mechanisms in TiN coatings: Finite element simulations
MT Tilbrook, DJ Paton, Z Xie, M Hoffman
Acta Materialia 55 (7), 2489-2501, 2007
Thermal expansion behavior and macrostrain of Al2O3/Al composites with interpenetrating networks
S Skirl, M Hoffman, K Bowman, S Wiederhorn, J Rödel
Acta materialia 46 (7), 2493-2499, 1998
Toughening of unmodified polyvinylchloride through the addition of nanoparticulate calcium carbonate
I Kemal, A Whittle, R Burford, T Vodenitcharova, M Hoffman
Polymer 50 (16), 4066-4079, 2009
Bipolar and unipolar fatigue of ferroelectric BNT‐based lead‐free piezoceramics
Z Luo, J Glaum, T Granzow, W Jo, R Dittmer, M Hoffman, J Rödel
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94 (2), 529-535, 2011
Deformation mechanisms of TiN multilayer coatings alternated by ductile or stiff interlayers
ZH Xie, M Hoffman, P Munroe, A Bendavid, PJ Martin
Acta Materialia 56 (4), 852-861, 2008
Influence of processing parameters on the bond toughness of roll-bonded aluminium strip
MZ Quadir, A Wolz, M Hoffman, M Ferry
Scripta Materialia 58 (11), 959-962, 2008
Contact damage evolution in a diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating on a stainless steel substrate
ZH Xie, R Singh, A Bendavid, PJ Martin, PR Munroe, M Hoffman
Thin solid films 515 (6), 3196-3201, 2007
Interplay of strain mechanisms in morphotropic piezoceramics
M Hinterstein, M Hoelzel, J Rouquette, J Haines, J Glaum, H Kungl, ...
Acta materialia 94, 319-327, 2015
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Articles 1–20