Michael Klafft
Michael Klafft
Professor for Information Systems and Digital Media, Jade University of Applied Sciences
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Cited by
Online peer-to-peer lending: a lenders' perspective
M Klafft
Proceedings of the international conference on E-learning, E-business …, 2008
Peer to peer lending: auctioning microcredits over the internet
M Klafft
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems …, 2008
Street marketing: how proximity and context drive coupon redemption
S Spiekermann, M Rothensee, M Klafft
Journal of Consumer Marketing 28 (4), 280-289, 2011
TAUCIS-Technikfolgenabschätzung ubiquitäres Computing und informationelle Selbstbestimmung
J Bizer, K Dingel, B Fabian, O Günther, M Hansen, M Klafft, J Möller, ...
BMBF, 2006
Diffusion of emergency warnings via multi-channel communication systems an empirical analysis
M Klafft
2013 IEEE Eleventh International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized …, 2013
Assessing the economic value of early warning systems
M Klafft, U Meissen
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems for …, 2011
RFID in manufacturing: The investment decision
L Ivantysynova, M Klafft, H Ziekow, O Günther, S Kara
Pacific Asia International Conference on Information Systems, Hyderabad, India, 2009
Information and interaction needs of vulnerable groups with regard to disaster alert apps
M Klafft, N Reinhardt
Mensch und Computer 2016, 2016
A concept and prototype for the integration of multi-channel disaster alert systems
M Klafft, HG Ziegler
Proceedings of the 7th Euro American Conference on Telematics and …, 2014
Early warning systems in practice: performance of the SAFE system in the field
M Klafft, T Kräntzer, U Meissen, A Voisard
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2009
E-procurement for consumers: success factors and technology acceptance
M Klafft
Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Learning, E-Business …, 2009
ICKEwiki: Requirements and concepts for an enterprise wiki for SMEs
S Voigt, F Fuchs-Kittowski, D Hüttemann, M Klafft, A Gohr
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Wikis and Open …, 2011
Reverse procurement and auctions for consumers: A new trend on the horizon of e-commerce?
M Klafft, S Spiekermann
Wirtschaftsinformatik 48, 36-45, 2006
Including process information in traceability
M Klafft, JH Germany, C Kuhn, E Huen, S Wößner
Improving traceability in food processing and distribution, 107-127, 2006
Die Warnung der Bevölkerung im Katastrophenfall
M Klafft
Sicherheitskritische Mensch-Computer-Interaktion: Interaktive Technologien …, 2021
SAFE-A sensor-actuator-based early warning system for extreme weather conditions
M Klafft, T Kräntzer, U Meissen, A Voisard
Including weather forecasts in routing decisions of navigation systems for road vehicles: The users' view
M Klafft
2017 36th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2017
Assessing the Value of Early Warning Apps for Disaster Cost Reduction
S Wurster, U Meissen, M Klafft
A Framework to Facilitate Investment Decisions to Protect Private Property …, 2015
A tool for the simulation of alert message propagation in the general population.
J Hellriegel, M Klafft
ISCRAM, 2014
Communicating storm surge risks via risk communication websites: a novel approach
M Klafft, L Strangmann, M Fianke
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2019
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Articles 1–20