Jianqiang Wang
Jianqiang Wang
Associate Professor of Library and Information Studies, University at Buffalo
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Mandarin–English information (MEI): investigating translingual speech retrieval
HM Meng, B Chen, S Khudanpur, GA Levow, WK Lo, D Oard, P Schone, ...
Computer Speech & Language 18 (2), 163-179, 2004
Building an information retrieval test collection for spontaneous conversational speech
DW Oard, D Soergel, D Doermann, X Huang, GC Murray, J Wang, ...
Proceedings of the 27th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2004
User-assisted query translation for interactive cross-language information retrieval
DW Oard, D He, J Wang
Information Processing & Management 44 (1), 181-211, 2008
Combining bidirectional translation and synonymy for cross-language information retrieval
J Wang, DW Oard
Proceedings of the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2006
Overview of the CLEF-2006 cross-language speech retrieval track
DW Oard, J Wang, GJF Jones, RW White, P Pecina, D Soergel, X Huang, ...
Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 744-758, 2006
Making miracles: Interactive translingual search for cebuano and hindi
D He, DW Oard, J Wang, J Luo, D Demner-Fushman, K Darwish, ...
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) 2 (3), 219-244, 2003
Comparing user-assisted and automatic query translation
D He, J Wang, DW Oard, M Nossal
Advances in Cross-Language Information Retrieval: Third Workshop of the …, 2003
TREC-8 Experiments at Maryland: CLIR, QA and Routing.
DW Oard, J Wang, D Lin, I Soboroff
TREC, 1999
Interactive cross-language document selection
DW Oard, J Gonzalo, M Sanderson, F López-Ostenero, J Wang
Information Retrieval 7, 205-228, 2004
TREC 2006 at Maryland: Blog, Enterprise, Legal and QA Tracks.
DW Oard, T Elsayed, J Wang, Y Wu, P Zhang, EG Abels, J Lin, D Soergel
TREC, 2006
Matching meaning for cross-language information retrieval
J Wang, DW Oard
Information processing & management 48 (4), 631-653, 2012
Effects of term segmentation on Chinese/English cross-language information retrieval
DW Oard, J Wang
6th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval …, 1999
A user study of relevance judgments for E‐Discovery
J Wang, D Soergel
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology …, 2010
Cross‐Language Information Retrieval
D He, J Wang
Information retrieval: Searching in the 21st century, 233-253, 2009
iCLEF 2003 at Maryland: Translation selection and document selection
B Dorr, D He, J Luo, DW Oard, R Schwartz, J Wang, D Zajic
Comparative Evaluation of Multilingual Information Access Systems: 4th …, 2004
Clef-2005 cl-sr at maryland: Document and query expansion using side collections and thesauri
J Wang, DW Oard
Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 800-809, 2005
Accuracy, agreement, speed, and perceived difficulty of users’ relevance judgments for e-discovery
J Wang
Proceedings of SIGIR information retrieval for e-discovery workshop 1, 2011
Matching meaning for cross-language information retrieval
J Wang
University of Maryland, College Park, 2005
iCLEF 2001 at Maryland: comparing term-for-term gloss and MT
J Wang, DW Oard
Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 336-352, 2001
Parsing and tagging of bilingual dictionaries
H Ma, B Karagol-Ayan, D Doermann, D Oard, J Wang
Traitement Automatique Des Languages 44 (2), 125-149, 2003
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Articles 1–20