Georges Chahine
Cited by
Cited by
Survey of monocular SLAM algorithms in natural environments
G Chahine, C Pradalier
2018 15th conference on computer and robot vision (CRV), 345-352, 2018
Symphony lake dataset
S Griffith, G Chahine, C Pradalier
The International Journal of Robotics Research 36 (11), 1151-1158, 2017
Mapping in unstructured natural environment: A sensor fusion framework for wearable sensor suites
G Chahine, M Vaidis, F Pomerleau, C Pradalier
SN Applied Sciences 3, 1-14, 2021
A magnetic crawler system for autonomous long-range inspection and maintenance on large structures
G Chahine, P Schroepfer, OL Ouabi, C Pradalier
Sensors 22 (9), 3235, 2022
Laser-supported monocular visual tracking for natural environments
G Chahine, C Pradalier
2019 19th international conference on advanced robotics (ICAR), 801-806, 2019
Semantic-aware spatio-temporal Alignment of Natural Outdoor Surveys
G Chahine, C Pradalier
Field Robotics 2, 1849–1873, 2022
Monocular ORB-SLAM and Pose Retrieval for Autonomous Driving
Y Al-Ozaibi, G Chahine, O El-Hamzaoui
2023 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing …, 2023
6DoF State Estimation with a Mesh Constrained Particle Filter For Wheeled Robots
P Schroepfer, G Chahine, C Pradalier
ISR Europe 2023; 56th International Symposium on Robotics, 155-160, 2023
Detecting overlapping semiconductor nanopillars and characterization
G Chahine, MJ Wishon
2021 IEEE 3rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Engineering …, 2021
Ask the OWL: Object detection constrained by a probabilistic ontological model
G Chahine, D Asmar, M Antoun, E Shammas, I Elhajj
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2540 …, 2017
Long-term quantitative river shore monitoring using a portable imaging suite
C Pradalier, G Chahine
ILTER Network, 2017
Object detection constrained by ontological priors
GA Chahine
Theses, Dissertations, and Projects, 2016
2023 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Communications, Data Science & Systems, Smart City & Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems …
T Ai, R Alkhatib, Y Al-Ozaibi, M Amayri, X An, L Bai, Z Bai, A Banerjee, ...
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Articles 1–13