Sridhar Papagari Sangareddy
Sridhar Papagari Sangareddy
Founder/CEO, Social Informatics LLC
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Customer-driven innovation
KC Desouza, Y Awazu, S Jha, C Dombrowski, S Papagari, P Baloh, ...
Research-Technology Management 51 (3), 35-44, 2008
Elements of innovative cultures
C Dombrowski, JY Kim, KC Desouza, A Braganza, S Papagari, P Baloh, ...
Knowledge and process management 14 (3), 190-202, 2007
Crafting organizational innovation processes
KC Desouza, C Dombrowski, Y Awazu, P Baloh, S Papagari, S Jha, ...
Innovation 11 (1), 6-33, 2009
Influences of IT substitutes and user experience on post‐adoption user switching: An empirical investigation
C Ye, DB Seo, KC Desouza, SP Sangareddy, S Jha
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 59 …, 2008
Ontological design
A Ramaprasad, SS Papagari
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Design Science Research …, 2009
Post-adoption switching between technology substitutes: the case of web browsers
C Ye, DB Seo, K Desouza, S Papagari, S Jha
Attaining superior complaint resolution
SR Papagari Sangareddy, S Jha, C Ye, KC Desouza
Communications of the ACM 52 (10), 122-126, 2009
Monitoring opioid addiction and treatment: Do you know if your population is engaged?
JT Prieto, D McEwen, AJ Davidson, A Al-Tayyib, L Gawenus, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 202, 56-60, 2019
The five stages of successful innovation
KC Desouza, C Dombrowski, Y Awazu, S Papagari
MIT Sloan Management Review 48 (3), 8-9, 2007
Switching between consumer technologies
C Ye, KC Desouza, SRP Sangareddy, S Jha
Communications of the ACM 51 (10), 132-136, 2008
eHealth: Transporting Information to Transform Health Care
A Ramaprasad, SS Papagari, J Keeler
Proceedings of HEALTHINF, 344-350, 2009
Choosing between technology solutions
K Desouza, S Jha, S Papagari, C Ye
Engineering Management Journal 16 (1), 42-45, 2006
Wikis in the classroom: an agenda for studying collaborative writing in information systems research
E Menchen-Trevino, S Jha, M Pathak, SR Papagari Sangareddy, DB Seo, ...
AMCIS 2009 Proceedings, 732, 2009
Internet in Medicine: An Ontology
A Ramaprasad, SS Papagari
Proceedings of the 13th World Congress" Internet in Medicine"-MedNet, 2008
Public health decision support systems
BE Dixon, H Kharrazi, SR Papagari Sangareddy
Public Health Informatics and Information Systems, 349-365, 2020
Case-based learning in public health informatics
H Tolentino, SRP Sangareddy, C Pepper, JA Magnuson
Public Health Informatics and Information Systems, 489-510, 2014
Impact of complaint management on repurchase intention of consumer technologies: employing the justice theory lens
S Jha, SRP Sangareddy, KC Desouza, DB Seo, C Ye
International Journal of Product Development 12 (3-4), 352-371, 2010
Advancing Data Science Among the Federal Public Health Workforce: The Data Science Upskilling Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
MCP Bertulfo, RD Kirkcaldy, LH Franzke, SRP Sangareddy, F Reza
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 30 (2), E41-E46, 2024
Integrating data from disparate data systems for improved HIV reporting: Lessons learned
K Ahmed, YT Temate, J Amlung, DL Stover, PJ Peters, JT Brooks, ...
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 10 (1), e62166, 2018
Post-adoption switching between technology options: Research in progress
C Ye, DB Seo, K Desouza, S Papagari, S Jha
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