clifford patten
clifford patten
Associate Professor, Innsbruck University
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Partition coefficients of chalcophile elements between sulfide and silicate melts and the early crystallization history of sulfide liquid: LA-ICP-MS analysis of MORB sulfide …
C Patten, SJ Barnes, EA Mathez, FE Jenner
Chemical Geology 358, 170-188, 2013
Mobility of Au and related elements during the hydrothermal alteration of the oceanic crust: implications for the sources of metals in VMS deposits
CGC Patten, IK Pitcairn, DAH Teagle, M Harris
Mineralium Deposita 51, 179-200, 2016
Textural variations in MORB sulfide droplets due to differences in crystallization history
C Patten, SJ Barnes, EA Mathez
Canadian Mineralogist 50 (3), 675-692, 2012
Gold mobilization during metamorphic devolatilization of Archean and Paleoproterozoic metavolcanic rocks
CGC Patten, IK Pitcairn, F Molnár, J Kolb, G Beaudoin, C Guilmette, ...
Geology 48 (11), 1110-1114, 2020
Sulphide mineral evolution and metal mobility during alteration of the oceanic crust: Insights from ODP Hole 1256D
CGC Patten, IK Pitcairn, DAH Teagle, M Harris
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 193, 132-159, 2016
Hydrothermal mobilisation of Au and other metals in supra-subduction oceanic crust: Insights from the Troodos ophiolite
CGC Patten, IK Pitcairn, DAH Teagle
Ore Geology Reviews 86, 487-508, 2017
Ultramafic-hosted volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits: An overlooked sub-class of VMS deposit forming in complex tectonic environments
CGC Patten, R Coltat, M Junge, A Peillod, M Ulrich, G Manatschal, J Kolb
Earth-Science Reviews 224, 103891, 2022
Metal fluxes during magmatic degassing in the oceanic crust: sulfide mineralisation at ODP site 786B, Izu-Bonin forearc
CGC Patten, IK Pitcairn, JC Alt, T Zack, Y Lahaye, DAH Teagle, ...
Mineralium Deposita 55, 469-489, 2020
An improved analytical protocol for the determination of sub-nanogram gold in 1–2 g rock samples using GFAAS after polyurethane foam pretreatment
Y Liu, Z Wang, D Xue, Y Yang, W Li, H Cheng, C Patten, B Wan
Atomic Spectroscopy 41 (3), 131-140, 2020
Multi-source and multi-stage metal mobilization during the tectonic evolution of the Central Lapland Greenstone Belt, Finland: implications for the formation of orogenic Au …
CGC Patten, F Molnár, IK Pitcairn, J Kolb, S Mertanen, S Hector
Mineralium Deposita 58 (3), 461-488, 2023
Differences in decompression of a high-pressure unit: A case study from the Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Naxos Island, Greece
A Peillod, J Majka, U Ring, K Drüppel, C Patten, A Karlsson, A Włodek, ...
Lithos 386, 106043, 2021
Improved whole rock low detection limit gold analysis by LA-ICP-MS utilizing pressed-powder-pellets
CGC Patten, A Beranoaguirre, S Hector, D Gudelius, J Kolb, E Eiche
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 488, 117039, 2023
Transfer of sulfur and chalcophile metals via sulfide-volatile compound drops in the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field
CGC Patten, S Hector, S Kilias, M Ulrich, A Peillod, A Beranoaguirre, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 4968, 2024
Magmatic evolution of the Kolumbo submarine volcano and its implication to seafloor massive sulfide formation
S Hector, CGC Patten, A Beranoaguirre, P Lanari, S Kilias, P Nomikou, ...
Mineralium Deposita, 1-20, 2024
Disruption of a high‐pressure unit during exhumation: Example of the Cycladic Blueschist unit (Thera, Ios and Naxos islands, Greece)
A Peillod, CGC Patten, K Drüppel, A Beranoaguirre, A Zeh, D Gudelius, ...
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 42 (2), 225-255, 2024
Tectonic setting, fluid inclusion and gold mineralization of the southwest Poli region (northern Cameroon Domain)
FY Ngounouno, EN Negue, J Kolb, B Walter, ACT Soh, C Patten, ...
Journal of African Earth Sciences 194, 104579, 2022
Origin of Fe‐Ca‐Metasomatism in Exhumed Mantle Rocks at the MARK Area (23° N, ODP Leg 153) and Implications on the Formation of Ultramafic‐Hosted Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits
R Coltat, M Andreani, CGC Patten, M Godard, B Debret, J Escartin
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24 (9), e2023GC010894, 2023
Platinum-group elements and chalcophile elements content in sulphide droplets from MORB glass
C Patten, SJ Barnes, EA Mathez
New Insights on the formation of the Jingchong Cu-Co-Pb-Zn deposit, South China: Evidence from sphalerite mineralogy and muscovite 40Ar-39Ar dating
E Peng, J Kolb, BF Walter, M Frenzel, CGC Patten, D Xu, Y Wang, J Gan, ...
Ore Geology Reviews, 105667, 2023
Orogenic Au deposits with atypical metal association (Cu, Co, Ni): Insights from the Pohjanmaa Belt, western Finland
S Hector, CGC Patten, J Kolb, A de Araujo Silva, BF Walter, F Molnár
Ore Geology Reviews 154, 105326, 2023
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