Asad Amir Pirzada
Asad Amir Pirzada
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Establishing Trust In Pure Ad-hoc Networks.
AA Pirzada, C McDonald
ACSC 4 (26), 1, 2004
Wireless mesh networks for public safety and crisis management applications
M Portmann, AA Pirzada
IEEE Internet computing 12 (1), 18-25, 2008
Performance comparison of trust-based reactive routing protocols
AA Pirzada, C McDonald, A Datta
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 5 (6), 695-710, 2006
Kerberos assisted authentication in mobile ad-hoc networks
AA Pirzada, C McDonald
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 56, 41-46, 2004
Trust establishment in pure ad-hoc networks
AA Pirzada, C McDonald
Wireless Personal Communications 37, 139-168, 2006
Evaluation of multi-radio extensions to AODV for wireless mesh networks
AA Pirzada, M Portmann, J Indulska
Proceedings of the 4th ACM international workshop on Mobility management and …, 2006
Trust-based routing for ad-hoc wireless networks
AA Pirzada, A Datta, C McDonald
Proceedings. 2004 12th IEEE international conference on networks (ICON 2004 …, 2004
Trusted greedy perimeter stateless routing
AA Pirzada, C McDonald
2007 15th IEEE International Conference on Networks, 206-211, 2007
Propagating trust in ad-hoc networks for reliable routing
AA Pirzada, A Datta, C McDonald
International Workshop on Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, 2004., 58-62, 2004
Circumventing sinkholes and wormholes in wireless sensor networks
AA Pirzada, C McDonald
IWWAN’05: Proceedings of International Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks 71, 2005
Secure routing with the AODV protocol
AA Pirzada, C McDonald
2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, 57-61, 2005
Incorporating trust and reputation in the DSR protocol for dependable routing
AA Pirzada, A Datta, C McDonald
Computer Communications 29 (15), 2806-2821, 2006
High performance AODV routing protocol for hybrid wireless mesh networks
AA Pirzada, M Portmann
2007 Fourth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems …, 2007
SafeMesh: A wireless mesh network routing protocol for incident area communications
AA Pirzada, M Portmann, R Wishart, J Indulska
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 5 (2), 201-221, 2009
Routing metrics for multi-radio wireless mesh networks
J Guerin, M Portmann, A Pirzada
2007 Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference …, 2007
Performance analysis of multi-radio AODV in hybrid wireless mesh networks
AA Pirzada, M Portmann, J Indulska
Computer Communications 31 (5), 885-895, 2008
ALARM: an adaptive load-aware routing metric for hybrid wireless mesh networks
AA Pirzada, R Wishart, M Portmann, J Indulska
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Australasian Conference on Computer Science …, 2009
Hybrid mesh ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol
AA Pirzada, M Portmann, J Indulska
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 244, 49-58, 2007
Discovery of multiple inter-node links in wireless multi-hop networks
AA Pirzada, M Portmann
US Patent 8,315,231, 2012
Performance comparison of multi-path aodv and dsr protocols in hybrid mesh networks
AA Pirzada, M Portmann, J Indulska
2006 14th IEEE International Conference on Networks 2, 1-6, 2006
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Articles 1–20