Mattias C. Larsson
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Cited by
Or83b encodes a broadly expressed odorant receptor essential for Drosophila olfaction
MC Larsson, AI Domingos, WD Jones, ME Chiappe, H Amrein, ...
Neuron 43 (5), 703-714, 2004
Yeast, not fruit volatiles mediate Drosophila melanogaster attraction, oviposition and development
PG Becher, G Flick, E Rozpędowska, A Schmidt, A Hagman, S Lebreton, ...
Functional Ecology 26 (4), 822-828, 2012
Genomic Insights into the Origin of Parasitism in the Emerging Plant Pathogen Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
T Kikuchi, JA Cotton, JJ Dalzell, K Hasegawa, N Kanzaki, P McVeigh, ...
PLoS pathogens 7 (9), e1002219, 2011
Functional evolution of Lepidoptera olfactory receptors revealed by deorphanization of a moth repertoire
A De Fouchier, WB Walker III, N Montagné, C Steiner, M Binyameen, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15709, 2017
Green leaf volatile‐detecting olfactory receptor neurones display very high sensitivity and specificity in a scarab beetle
BLS Hansson, MC Larsson, WS Leal
Physiological Entomology 24 (2), 121-126, 1999
Insect host plant selection in complex environments
D Carrasco, MC Larsson, P Anderson
Current Opinion in Insect Science 8, 1-7, 2015
Characteristic Odor of Osmoderma eremita Identified as a Male-Released Pheromone
MC Larsson, J Hedin, GP Svensson, T Tolasch, W Francke
Journal of Chemical Ecology 29, 575-587, 2003
Specificity and redundancy in the olfactory system of the bark beetle Ips typographus: single-cell responses to ecologically relevant odors
MN Andersson, MC Larsson, F Schlyter
Journal of Insect Physiology 55 (6), 556-567, 2009
Attraction of the Larval Predator Elater ferrugineus to the Sex Pheromone of Its Prey, Osmoderma eremita, and Its Implication for Conservation Biology
GP Svensson, MC Larsson, J Hedin
Journal of Chemical Ecology 30, 353-363, 2004
Natural odor ligands for olfactory receptor neurons of the female mosquito Aedes aegypti: use of gas chromatography-linked single sensillum recordings
M Ghaninia, M Larsson, BS Hansson, R Ignell
Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (18), 3020-3027, 2008
Diet dependent metabolic responses in three generalist insect herbivores Spodoptera spp
A Roy, WB Walker III, H Vogel, S Chattington, MC Larsson, P Anderson, ...
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 71, 91-105, 2016
Larval host plant experience modulates both mate finding and oviposition choice in a moth
P Anderson, MM Sadek, M Larsson, BS Hansson, G Thöming
Animal Behaviour 85 (6), 1169-1175, 2013
Comparison of plant preference hierarchies of male and female moths and the impact of larval rearing hosts
G Thöming, MC Larsson, BS Hansson, P Anderson
Ecology 94 (8), 1744-1752, 2013
Olfactory receptor neurons detecting plant odours and male volatiles in Anomala cuprea beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
MC Larsson, WS Leal, BS Hansson
Journal of Insect Physiology 47 (9), 1065-1076, 2001
Functional characterization of a sex pheromone receptor in the pest moth Spodoptera littoralis by heterologous expression in Drosophila
N Montagné, T Chertemps, I Brigaud, A François, MC François, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 36 (5), 2588-2596, 2012
Candidate chemosensory genes in female antennae of the noctuid moth Spodoptera littoralis
E Jacquin-Joly, F Legeai, N Montagné, C Monsempes, MC François, ...
International journal of biological sciences 8 (7), 1036, 2012
‘Do you remember the first time?’Host plant preference in a moth is modulated by experiences during larval feeding and adult mating
M Proffit, MA Khallaf, D Carrasco, MC Larsson, P Anderson
Ecology Letters 18 (4), 365-374, 2015
Genetic variability and robustness of host odor preference in Drosophila melanogaster
A Ruebenbauer, F Schlyter, BS Hansson, C Löfstedt, MC Larsson
Current Biology 18 (18), 1438-1443, 2008
Detection of fruit- and flower-emitted volatiles by olfactory receptor neurons in the polyphagous fruit chafer Pachnoda marginata (Coleoptera: Cetoniinae)
MC Stensmyr, MC Larsson, S Bice, BS Hansson
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 187, 509-519, 2001
Peripheral modulation of pheromone response by inhibitory host compound in a beetle
MN Andersson, MC Larsson, M Blaženec, R Jakuš, QH Zhang, F Schlyter
Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (19), 3332-3339, 2010
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Articles 1–20