Richard Dimon
Richard Dimon
PhD Candidate, University of QLD and Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney
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Cited by
Promoting botanical literacy with a mobile application-CampusFlora-using an interdisciplinary, student-as-partners approach
R Dimon, L Pettit, C Cheung, R Quinnell
International Journal for Students as Partners 3 (2), 118-128, 2019
Chapter 12 Isolation, propagation and storage of orchid mycorrhiza and legume rhizobia
N Reiter, R Dimon, M Freestone, B Davis, Z Newby, N Swarts, ...
Plant Germplasm Conservation in Australia: strategies and guidelines for …, 0
Conoscyphus belongs to Acrobolbaceae (Jungermanniineae) not Lophocoleaceae (Lophocoleineae)
RJ Dimon, J Váňa, A Schäfer-Verwimp, J Heinrichs, MAM Renner
Australian Systematic Botany 31 (3), 209-218, 2018
Resilience to summer bushfire in the threatened orchid, Caladenia tessellata, in terms of pollination success, herbivory, and mycorrhizal associations
RD Phillips, J Hatley, X Li, RJ Dimon, N Reiter
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, boad079, 2024
Maintaining separate maternal lines increases the value and applications of seed collections
MM van der Merwe, JG Bragg, R Dimon, PS Fahey, PM Hogbin, ...
Australian Journal of Botany, 2023
Saving orchids from extinction: The RBGV orchid conservation program'ex situ'collection
N Reiter, R Dimon, M Freestone
Australasian Plant Conservation: Journal of the Australian Network for Plant …, 2020
A new Cynoglossum species, and transfers to Hackelia in eastern Australian Boraginaceae
RJ Dimon, MAM Renner
Australian Systematic Botany 30 (2), 113-123, 2017
Culture age of Tulasnella affects symbiotic germination of the critically endangered Wyong sun orchid Thelymitra adorata (Orchidaceae)
N Reiter, R Dimon, A Arifin, C Linde
Mycorrhiza 33 (5), 409-424, 2023
Floristic classification is not a predictor of species-specific evolutionary patterns
P Fahey, R Dimon, M van der Merwe, J Bragg, M Rossetto
SNP datasets used in the paper" Floristic classification is not a predictor of species-specific evolutionary patterns.
P Fahey, M Rossetto, R Dimon
The University of Queensland, 2023
A genomic perspective helps guide conservation of an endangered orchid from South-Eastern Australia
T Hopley, R Dimon, N Reiter, E James
Australasian Plant Conservation: Journal of the Australian Network for Plant …, 2021
Breathing life into Haswell’s historic educational zoological collection
R Quinnell, LJ Gray, J Philp, B Mitchell, M Newberry, R Dimon
Proceedings of The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics …, 2019
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Articles 1–12