Suziyanti binti Marjudi
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Cited by
A Review and Comparison of IGES and STEP
S Marjudi, MFM Amran, KA Abdullah, S Widyarto, NAA Majid, R Sulaiman
Proceedings Of World Academy Of Science, Engineering And Technology 62, 1013 …, 2010
The implementation framework of halal supply chain management systems
WAW Hassan, R Ahmad, S Marjudi, A Hamid, NMM Zainuddin
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 10 (48), 1-9, 2017
QFD in Malaysian SMEs food packaging CAD (PackCAD) testing
S Marjudi, R Sulaiman, NAA Majid, MFM Amran, MF Abd Rauf, S Kahar
Procedia Technology 11, 518-524, 2013
Data transferring technique for mobile robot controller via mobile technology
S Kahar, R Sulaiman, AS Prabuwono, MFM Amran, S Marjudi
2011 International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligence Robotics …, 2011
Exploring Classification For Sentiment Analysis From Halal Based Tweets
R Setik, RMTRL Ahmad, S Marjudi
2021 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data …, 2021
The critical success factors of halal SCM systems for Malaysian SMEs
S Marjudi, WAW Hassan, R Ahmad, A Hamid, NMM Zainuddin
TheIRES International Conference, May, 18-23, 2017
Designing Computer Aided Design for Malaysia SMEs Food Packaging (PackCAD) using Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
S Marjudi, R Sulaiman, MFM Amran
International Journal of Computer Applications 41 (16), 2012
Utilization of business analytics by SMEs in halal supply chain management transactions
S Marjudi, R Setik, RMTRL Ahmad, WAW Hassan, AAM Kassim
JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization 7 (2), 407-415, 2023
The Descriptive Data Analysis for E-learning Cloud-based Factor Adoption
AA Aziz, S Osman, S Widyarto, S Marjudi
2020 6th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media (ICIDM), 1-3, 2020
The successful elements implementing the eLeaming using cloud services data centre at private institution of higher learning in Malaysia
AA Aziz, S Widyarto, S Osman, S Marjudi
2017 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer …, 2017
Casi method for improving the usability of IDS
SM Butt, MA Majid, S Marjudi, SM Butt, A Onn, MM Butt
Science International 27 (1), 275, 2015
The development of CAD system for SME food packaging in Malaysia: A proposal
S Marjudi, R Sulaiman, MFM Amran, S Kahar, KA Abdullah
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering …, 2011
Awareness, perception & barrier: An empirical study of campus ERP implementation
RMTRL Ahmad, Z Othman, M Mukhtar, MFM Amran, WAW Hassan, ...
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 91 (2), 424, 2016
Implementations of spreadsheet modeling for generalized critical path method
KA Abdullah, WAW Hassan, MFM Amran, S Marjudi, NA Teridi, Z Yusof
Management Science and Engineering 6 (4), 120, 2012
A Web-Based Employee Management System for Keymans Malaysia Sdn Bhd
S Sasikumar, S Marjudi
Applied Information Technology And Computer Science 3 (1), 760-771, 2022
Data capture of exergames using kinect sensor for gameplay analysis
MFB Abd Rauf, S Ismail, S Marjudi, MFM Amran, NA Abd Majid, Z Adnan, ...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (4.29), 124-127, 2018
A study on CAD systems for food packaging
S Marjudi, R Sulaiman, MFM Amran, S Kahar, KA Abdullah
2011 IEEE Conference on Open Systems, 171-174, 2011
Comparative study of data transfer for mobile robot controller via mobile technology
S Kahar, R Sulaiman, AS Prabuwono, MFM Amran, S Marjudi
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering …, 2011
Rehabilitation Process for Parkinson Disease Patient using Exergames
M Fairuz, A Rauf, M Fahmi, M Amran, S Marjudi, NA Abd Majid
International Journal of Computer Applications 975, 8887, 2016
Extraction method of version number in engineering drawing
MFM Amran, R Sulaiman, S Marjudi, S Kahar, Z Adnan
Applied Mechanics and Materials 110, 4856-4860, 2012
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Articles 1–20