Monzur Imteaz
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Cited by
Multiple regression and Artificial Neural Network for long-term rainfall forecasting using large scale climate modes
F Mekanik, MA Imteaz, S Gato-Trinidad, A Elmahdi
Journal of Hydrology 503, 11-21, 2013
Rainwater harvesting in Greater Sydney: Water savings, reliability and economic benefits
A Rahman, J Keane, MA Imteaz
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 61, 16-21, 2012
Optimisation of rainwater tank design from large roofs: A case study in Melbourne, Australia
MA Imteaz, A Shanableh, A Rahman, A Ahsan
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 55 (11), 1022-1029, 2011
Suitability of recycled construction and demolition aggregates as alternative pipe backfilling materials
MA Rahman, M Imteaz, A Arulrajah, MM Disfani
Journal of Cleaner Production 66, 75-84, 2014
Parameters affecting the performance of a low cost solar still
A Ahsan, M Imteaz, UA Thomas, M Azmi, A Rahman, NNN Daud
Applied energy 114, 924-930, 2014
A study on selection of probability distributions for at-site flood frequency analysis in Australia
AS Rahman, A Rahman, MA Zaman, K Haddad, A Ahsan, M Imteaz
Natural hazards 69, 1803-1813, 2013
Recycled construction and demolition materials in permeable pavement systems: geotechnical and hydraulic characteristics
MA Rahman, MA Imteaz, A Arulrajah, J Piratheepan, MM Disfani
Journal of Cleaner Production 90, 183-194, 2015
Evaluation of interface shear strength properties of geogrid-reinforced construction and demolition materials using a modified large-scale direct shear testing apparatus
A Arulrajah, MA Rahman, J Piratheepan, MW Bo, MA Imteaz
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 26 (5), 974-982, 2014
Rainwater harvesting potential for southwest Nigeria using daily water balance model
MA Imteaz, OB Adeboye, S Rayburg, A Shanableh
Resources, conservation and recycling 62, 51-55, 2012
Reliability analysis of rainwater tanks in Melbourne using daily water balance model
MA Imteaz, A Ahsan, J Naser, A Rahman
Resources, conservation and recycling 56 (1), 80-86, 2011
Reliability and economic analysis of urban rainwater harvesting: A comparative study within six major cities of Bangladesh
MZI Bashar, MR Karim, MA Imteaz
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 133, 146-154, 2018
Long waves in two layers: governing equations and numerical model
F Imamura, M Imteaz
Swinburne, 1995
Design, fabrication and performance analysis of an improved solar still
A Ahsan, M Imteaz, A Rahman, B Yusuf, T Fukuhara
Desalination 292, 105-112, 2012
Recent advances on palm oil mill effluent (POME) pretreatment and anaerobic reactor for sustainable biogas production
MMA Aziz, KA Kassim, M ElSergany, S Anuar, ME Jorat, H Yaacob, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 119, 109603, 2020
Resilient modulus and permanent deformation responses of geogrid-reinforced construction and demolition materials
MA Rahman, A Arulrajah, J Piratheepan, MW Bo, MA Imteaz
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 26 (3), 512-519, 2014
Seasonal rainfall forecasting by adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) using large scale climate signals
F Mekanik, MA Imteaz, A Talei
Climate dynamics 46, 3097-3111, 2016
Reliability and economic analysis of urban rainwater harvesting in a megacity in Bangladesh
MR Karim, MZI Bashar, MA Imteaz
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 104, 61-67, 2015
Engineering and environmental properties of foamed recycled glass as a lightweight engineering material
A Arulrajah, MM Disfani, F Maghoolpilehrood, S Horpibulsuk, A Udonchai, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 94, 369-375, 2015
Economic analysis of a rainwater harvesting system in a commercial building
C Matos, I Bentes, C Santos, M Imteaz, S Pereira
Water Resources Management 29, 3971-3986, 2015
Reliability analysis of rainwater tanks using daily water balance model: Variations within a large city
MA Imteaz, A Ahsan, A Shanableh
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 77, 37-43, 2013
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Articles 1–20