Kate Laver
Cited by
Cited by
Virtual reality for stroke rehabilitation
KE Laver, B Lange, S George, JE Deutsch, G Saposnik, M Crotty
Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2017
Telerehabilitation services for stroke
KE Laver, Z Adey‐Wakeling, M Crotty, NA Lannin, S George, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2020
An overview of systematic reviews of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for the treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia
SM Dyer, SL Harrison, K Laver, C Whitehead, M Crotty
International psychogeriatrics 30 (3), 295-309, 2018
Virtual reality for stroke rehabilitation
K Laver
Virtual reality in health and rehabilitation, 19-28, 2020
Cochrane review: virtual reality for stroke rehabilitation.
K Laver, S George, S Thomas, JE Deutsch, M Crotty
European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine 48 (3), 523-530, 2012
Interventions to delay functional decline in people with dementia: a systematic review of systematic reviews
K Laver, S Dyer, C Whitehead, L Clemson, M Crotty
BMJ open 6 (4), e010767, 2016
What does the general public understand about prevention and treatment of dementia? A systematic review of population-based surveys
M Cations, G Radisic, M Crotty, KE Laver
PloS one 13 (4), e0196085, 2018
Virtual reality for stroke rehabilitation: an abridged version of a Cochrane review.
K Laver, S George, S Thomas, JE Deutsch, M Crotty
European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine 51 (4), 497-506, 2015
Is the Nintendo Wii Fit really acceptable to older people?: a discrete choice experiment
K Laver, J Ratcliffe, S George, L Burgess, M Crotty
BMC geriatrics 11, 1-6, 2011
Clinical practice guidelines for dementia in Australia
K Laver, RG Cumming, SM Dyer, MR Agar, KJ Anstey, E Beattie, ...
The Medical Journal of Australia 204 (5), 191-193, 2016
A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing carer focused and dyadic multicomponent interventions for carers of people with dementia
K Laver, R Milte, S Dyer, M Crotty
Journal of aging and health 29 (8), 1308-1349, 2017
Occupational therapy for people with dementia and their family carers provided at home: a systematic review and meta-analysis
S Bennett, K Laver, S Voigt-Radloff, L Letts, L Clemson, M Graff, ...
BMJ open 9 (11), e026308, 2019
Virtual reality for stroke rehabilitation
KE Laver, B Lange, S George, JE Deutsch, G Saposnik, M Crotty
Stroke 49 (4), e160-e161, 2018
A systematic review of interventions to support the careers of women in academic medicine and other disciplines
KE Laver, IJ Prichard, M Cations, I Osenk, K Govin, JD Coveney
BMJ open 8 (3), e020380, 2018
Measuring technology self efficacy: reliability and construct validity of a modified computer self efficacy scale in a clinical rehabilitation setting
K Laver, S George, J Ratcliffe, M Crotty
Disability and rehabilitation 34 (3), 220-227, 2012
Use of an interactive video gaming program compared with conventional physiotherapy for hospitalised older adults: a feasibility trial
K Laver, S George, J Ratcliffe, S Quinn, C Whitehead, O Davies, M Crotty
Disability and rehabilitation 34 (21), 1802-1808, 2012
Toward a theory‐based specification of non‐pharmacological treatments in aging and dementia: focused reviews and methodological recommendations
SAM Sikkes, Y Tang, RJ Jutten, LMP Wesselman, LS Turkstra, H Brodaty, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 17 (2), 255-270, 2021
Virtual reality stroke rehabilitation-hype or hope?
K Laver, S George, J Ratcliffe, M Crotty
Australian occupational therapy journal 58 (3), 2011
Does telehealth delivery of a dyadic dementia care program provide a noninferior alternative to face-to-face delivery of the same program? A randomized, controlled trial
K Laver, E Liu, L Clemson, O Davies, L Gray, LN Gitlin, M Crotty
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 28 (6), 673-682, 2020
Costs and economic evaluations of quality improvement collaboratives in healthcare: a systematic review
L De La Perrelle, G Radisic, M Cations, B Kaambwa, G Barbery, K Laver
BMC health services research 20, 1-10, 2020
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Articles 1–20