Singular traces: theory and applications S Lord, F Sukochev, D Zanin Walter de Gruyter, 2012 | 326 | 2012 |
Schauder decompositions and multiplier theorems P Clément, B de Pagter, F Sukochev, H Witvliet Studia Mathematica 2 (138), 135-163, 2000 | 301 | 2000 |
Symmetric norms and spaces of operators NJ Kalton, FA Sukochev Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 2008 (621), 81-121, 2008 | 222 | 2008 |
Spectral flow and Dixmier traces A Carey, J Phillips, F Sukochev Advances in Mathematics 173 (1), 68-113, 2003 | 130 | 2003 |
Operator-Lipschitz functions in Schatten–von Neumann classes D Potapov, F Sukochev | 126 | 2011 |
Weak convergence in non-commutative symmetric spaces VI Chilin, FA Sukochev, V CHILIN, F SUKOCHEV Journal of Operator Theory, 35-65, 1994 | 119 | 1994 |
Operator integrals, spectral shift, and spectral flow NA Azamov, AL Carey, PG Dodds, FA Sukochev Canadian Journal of Mathematics 61 (2), 241-263, 2009 | 115 | 2009 |
The local index formula in semifinite von Neumann algebras I: Spectral flow AL Carey, J Phillips, A Rennie, FA Sukochev Advances in Mathematics 202 (2), 451-516, 2006 | 108 | 2006 |
Double operator integrals B De Pagter, H Witvliet, FA Sukochev Journal of Functional Analysis 192 (1), 52-111, 2002 | 100 | 2002 |
Index theory for locally compact noncommutative geometries A Carey, V Gayral, A Rennie, F Sukochev American Mathematical Society 231 (1085), 2014 | 97 | 2014 |
Spectral shift function of higher order D Potapov, A Skripka, F Sukochev Inventiones mathematicae 193, 501-538, 2013 | 92 | 2013 |
The local index formula in semifinite von Neumann algebras II: the even case AL Carey, J Phillips, A Rennie, FA Sukochev Advances in Mathematics 202 (2), 517-554, 2006 | 88 | 2006 |
Symmetric functionals and singular traces PG Dodds, B De Pagter, EM Semenov, FA Sukochev Positivity 2, 47-75, 1998 | 85 | 1998 |
Completeness of quasi-normed symmetric operator spaces F Sukochev Indagationes Mathematicae 25 (2), 376-388, 2014 | 79 | 2014 |
The Dixmier trace and asymptotics of zeta functions AL Carey, A Rennie, A Sedaev, F Sukochev Journal of Functional Analysis 249 (2), 253-283, 2007 | 78 | 2007 |
The Hochschild class of the Chern character for semifinite spectral triples AL Carey, J Phillips, A Rennie, FA Sukochev Journal of functional analysis 213 (1), 111-153, 2004 | 77 | 2004 |
An analytic approach to spectral flow in von Neumann algebras MT Benameur, AL Carey, J Phillips, A Rennie, FA Sukochev, ... Analysis, Geometry And Topology Of Elliptic Operators: Papers in Honor of …, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |
Non-trivial derivations on commutative regular algebras. AF Ber, VI Chilin, FA Sukochev Extracta mathematicae 21 (2), 107-147, 2006 | 74 | 2006 |
Invariant Banach limits and applications EM Semenov, FA Sukochev Journal of Functional Analysis 259 (6), 1517-1541, 2010 | 73 | 2010 |
Banach Embedding Properties of Non-Commutative -Spaces U Haagerup, HP Rosenthal, FA Sukochev American Mathematical Soc., 2003 | 73 | 2003 |