albert olioso
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Cited by
Monitoring wheat phenology and irrigation in Central Morocco: On the use of relationships between evapotranspiration, crops coefficients, leaf area index and remotely-sensed …
B Duchemin, R Hadria, S Erraki, G Boulet, P Maisongrande, A Chehbouni, ...
Agricultural Water Management 79 (1), 1-27, 2006
Review on estimation of evapotranspiration from remote sensing data: From empirical to numerical modeling approaches
D Courault, B Seguin, A Olioso
Irrigation and Drainage systems 19, 223-249, 2005
An interactive vegetation SVAT model tested against data from six contrasting sites
JC Calvet, J Noilhan, JL Roujean, P Bessemoulin, M Cabelguenne, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 92 (2), 73-95, 1998
Management effects on net ecosystem carbon and GHG budgets at European crop sites
E Ceschia, P Béziat, JF Dejoux, M Aubinet, C Bernhofer, B Bodson, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 139 (3), 363-383, 2010
How is water-use efficiency of terrestrial ecosystems distributed and changing on Earth?
X Tang, H Li, AR Desai, Z Nagy, J Luo, TE Kolb, A Olioso, X Xu, L Yao, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 7483, 2014
The use of high‐resolution image time series for crop classification and evapotranspiration estimate over an irrigated area in central Morocco
V Simonneaux, B Duchemin, D Helson, S Er‐Raki, A Olioso, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (1), 95-116, 2008
Estimation of evapotranspiration and photosynthesis by assimilation of remote sensing data into SVAT models
A Olioso, H Chauki, D Courault, JP Wigneron
Remote Sensing of Environment 68 (3), 341-356, 1999
Preferential cooling of hot extremes from cropland albedo management
EL Davin, SI Seneviratne, P Ciais, A Olioso, T Wang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (27), 9757-9761, 2014
Application of a simple algorithm to estimate daily evapotranspiration from NOAA–AVHRR images for the Iberian Peninsula
JA Sobrino, M Gómez, JC Jiménez-Muñoz, A Olioso
Remote sensing of environment 110 (2), 139-148, 2007
The net biome production of full crop rotations in Europe
WL Kutsch, M Aubinet, N Buchmann, P Smith, B Osborne, W Eugster, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 139 (3), 336-345, 2010
Coupling canopy functioning and radiative transfer models for remote sensing data assimilation
M Weiss, D Troufleau, F Baret, H Chauki, L Prévot, A Olioso, N Bruguier, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 108 (2), 113-128, 2001
Validation of Land Surface Temperature products derived from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) using ground-based and heritage satellite measurements
PC Guillevic, JC Biard, GC Hulley, JL Privette, SJ Hook, A Olioso, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 154, 19-37, 2014
Albedo and LAI estimates from FORMOSAT-2 data for crop monitoring
A Bsaibes, D Courault, F Baret, M Weiss, A Olioso, F Jacob, O Hagolle, ...
Remote sensing of environment 113 (4), 716-729, 2009
Evaluation of the Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) applied to ASTER imagery with flux-measurements at the SPARC 2004 site (Barrax, Spain)
J Van der Kwast, W Timmermans, A Gieske, Z Su, A Olioso, L Jia, J Elbers, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13 (7), 1337-1347, 2009
Simple and robust methods for remote sensing of canopy chlorophyll content: a comparative analysis of hyperspectral data for different types of vegetation
Y Inoue, M Guérif, F Baret, A Skidmore, A Gitelson, M Schlerf, ...
Plant, cell & environment 39 (12), 2609-2623, 2016
Future directions for advanced evapotranspiration modeling: Assimilation of remote sensing data into crop simulation models and SVAT models
A Olioso, Y Inoue, S Ortega-Farias, J Demarty, JP Wigneron, I Braud, ...
Irrigation and Drainage Systems 19, 377-412, 2005
A simple algorithm to estimate evapotranspiration from DAIS data: Application to the DAISEX campaigns
JA Sobrino, M Gómez, JC Jiménez-Muñoz, A Olioso, G Chehbouni
Journal of hydrology 315 (1-4), 117-125, 2005
Latent heat flux over Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard using the Shuttleworth and Wallace model
S Ortega-Farias, M Carrasco, A Olioso, C Acevedo, C Poblete
Irrigation Science 25, 161-170, 2007
Mapping surface fluxes using airborne visible, near infrared, thermal infrared remote sensing data and a spatialized surface energy balance model
F Jacob, A Olioso, XF Gu, Z Su, B Seguin
Agronomie 22 (6), 669-680, 2002
An integrated modelling and remote sensing approach for hydrological study in arid and semi‐arid regions: the SUDMED Programme
A Chehbouni, R Escadafal, B Duchemin, G Boulet, V Simonneaux, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (17-18), 5161-5181, 2008
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Articles 1–20