Lida Rashidi
Lida Rashidi
Lecturer, School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University
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Climatic or regionally induced by humans? Tracing hydro-climatic and land-use changes to better understand the Lake Urmia tragedy
B Khazaei, S Khatami, SH Alemohammad, L Rashidi, C Wu, K Madani, ...
Journal of hydrology 569, 203-217, 2019
A Survey on Anomaly detection in Evolving Data: [with Application to Forest Fire Risk Prediction]
M Salehi, L Rashidi
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 20 (1), 13-23, 2018
The grass is greener on the other side: Understanding the effects of green spaces on Twitter user sentiments
KH Lim, KE Lee, D Kendal, L Rashidi, E Naghizade, S Winter, ...
Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 275-282, 2018
Happiness is a choice: sentiment and activity-aware location recommendation
J Wang, Y Feng, E Naghizade, L Rashidi, KH Lim, K Lee
Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 1401-1405, 2018
Anomaly detection in categorical datasets using bayesian networks
L Rashidi, S Hashemi, A Hamzeh
Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence: Third International …, 2011
Understanding sentiments and activities in green spaces using a social data–driven approach
KH Lim, KE Lee, D Kendal, L Rashidi, E Naghizade, Y Feng, J Wang
Smart Cities: Issues and Challenges, 77-107, 2019
Corpus bootstrapping for assessment of the properties of effectiveness measures
J Zobel, L Rashidi
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information …, 2020
Cluster-based crowd movement behavior detection
M Yang, L Rashidi, AS Rao, S Rajasegarar, M Ganji, M Palaniswami, ...
2018 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), 1-8, 2018
Profiling spatial and temporal behaviour in sensor networks: A case study in energy monitoring
L Rashidi, S Rajasegarar, C Leckie, M Nati, A Gluhak, MA Imran, ...
2014 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor …, 2014
Crowd activity change point detection in videos via graph stream mining
M Yang, L Rashidi, S Rajasegarar, C Leckie, AS Rao, M Palaniswami
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Node re-ordering as a means of anomaly detection in time-evolving graphs
L Rashidi, A Kan, J Bailey, J Chan, C Leckie, W Liu, S Rajasegarar, ...
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2016
Evaluating the predictivity of IR experiments
L Rashidi, J Zobel, A Moffat
Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2021
Graph stream mining based anomalous event analysis
M Yang, L Rashidi, S Rajasegarar, C Leckie
PRICAI 2018: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 15th Pacific Rim …, 2018
Hydro-climatic investigation of Lake Urmia shrinkage using remote sensing
B Khazaei, S Khatami, L Rashidi, K Madani
American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, Calif, 12-16, 2016
Presenting a hybrid method in order to predict the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1)
R Boostani, AK MojtabaRismanchib, SK LidaRashidi, ...
Advanced Computing: An International Journal (ACIJ) 3 (1), 31-43, 2012
An embedding scheme for detecting anomalous block structured graphs
L Rashidi, S Rajasegarar, C Leckie
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 19th Pacific-Asia …, 2015
The Impact of Judgment Variability on the Consistency of Offline Effectiveness Measures
L Rashidi, J Zobel, A Moffat
ACM Transactions on Information Systems 42 (1), 1-31, 2023
Characteristics of local intrinsic dimensionality (LID) in subspaces: local neighbourhood analysis
T Hashem, L Rashidi, J Bailey, L Kulik
Similarity Search and Applications: 12th International Conference, SISAP …, 2019
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 22nd Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2018, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, June 3-6, 2018, Proceedings, Part II
D Phung, VS Tseng, GI Webb, B Ho, M Ganji, L Rashidi
Springer, 2018
Anomaly detection in large evolving graphs.
L Rashidi
University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2017
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Articles 1–20