Mohsen Ramezani
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Cited by
Optimal perimeter control for two urban regions with macroscopic fundamental diagrams: A model predictive approach
N Geroliminis, J Haddad, M Ramezani
Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on 14 (1), 348-359, 2013
Dynamics of heterogeneity in urban networks: aggregated traffic modeling and hierarchical control
M Ramezani, J Haddad, N Geroliminis
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 74, 1-19, 2015
Cooperative traffic control of a mixed network with two urban regions and a freeway
J Haddad, M Ramezani, N Geroliminis
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 54, 17-36, 2013
Equilibrium analysis and route guidance in large-scale networks with MFD dynamics
M Yildirimoglu, M Ramezani, N Geroliminis
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 59, 404–420, 2015
On the estimation of arterial route travel time distribution with Markov chains
M Ramezani, N Geroliminis
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46 (10), 1576-1590, 2012
Ride-sourcing modeling and pricing in non-equilibrium two-sided markets
M Nourinejad, M Ramezani
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 132, 340-357, 2020
Queue profile estimation in congested urban networks with probe data
M Ramezani, N Geroliminis
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 30 (6), 414-432, 2015
Dynamic modeling and control of taxi services in large-scale urban networks: A macroscopic approach
M Ramezani, M Nourinejad
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 94, 203-219, 2018
Mixed flow of autonomous and human-driven vehicles: Analytical headway modeling and optimal lane management
R Mohajerpoor, M Ramezani
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 109, 194-210, 2019
Hierarchical ramp metering in freeways: An aggregated modeling and control approach
Y Han, M Ramezani, A Hegyi, Y Yuan, S Hoogendoorn
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 110, 1-19, 2020
Analytical optimal solution of perimeter traffic flow control based on MFD dynamics: A Pontryagin’s maximum principle approach
A Aalipour, H Kebriaei, M Ramezani
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (9), 3224-3234, 2018
H∞ robust perimeter flow control in urban networks with partial information feedback
R Mohajerpoor, M Saberi, HL Vu, TM Garoni, M Ramezani
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 137, 47-73, 2020
Discrete invasive weed optimization algorithm: application to cooperative multiple task assignment of UAVs
MR Ghalenoei, H Hajimirsadeghi, C Lucas
Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009
Perimeter control with real-time location-varying cordon
Y Li, R Mohajerpoor, M Ramezani
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 150, 101-120, 2021
Lane density optimisation of automated vehicles for highway congestion control
M Ramezani, E Ye
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 2019
Robust perimeter control with cordon queues and heterogeneous transfer flows
Y Li, M Yildirimoglu, M Ramezani
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 126, 103043, 2021
Demand management with limited cooperation among travellers: A doubly dynamic approach
M Yildirimoglu, M Ramezani
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 132, 267-284, 2020
Location design of electric vehicle charging facilities: a path‐distance constrained stochastic user equilibrium approach
W Jing, K An, M Ramezani, I Kim
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2017 (1), 4252946, 2017
Analytical derivation of the optimal traffic signal timing: Minimizing delay variability and spillback probability for undersaturated intersections
R Mohajerpoor, M Saberi, M Ramezani
Transportation research part B: methodological 119, 45-68, 2019
Real-time decentralized traffic signal control for congested urban networks considering queue spillbacks
M Noaeen, R Mohajerpoor, B Far, M Ramezani
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 133, 2021
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Articles 1–20