Stefanie Kern
Stefanie Kern
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A multifaceted ferrocene interlayer for highly stable and efficient lithium doped spiro‐OMeTAD‐based perovskite solar cells
T Webb, X Liu, RJE Westbrook, S Kern, MT Sajjad, S Jenatsch, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (26), 2200666, 2022
Elucidating the molecular landscape of the stratum corneum
NJ Starr, MH Khan, MK Edney, GF Trindade, S Kern, A Pirkl, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (12), e2114380119, 2022
Osteocyte regulation of receptor activator of NF-κB ligand/osteoprotegerin in a sheep model of osteoporosis
T El Khassawna, F Merboth, D Malhan, W Böcker, DES Daghma, ...
The American journal of pathology 187 (8), 1686-1699, 2017
Polymicrobial infections and microbial patterns in infected nonunions–a descriptive analysis of 42 cases
M Rupp, S Kern, T Weber, TD Menges, R Schnettler, C Heiß, V Alt
BMC infectious diseases 20, 1-8, 2020
Computational segmentation of collagen fibers in bone matrix indicates bone quality in ovariectomized rat spine
DES Daghma, D Malhan, P Simon, S Stötzel, S Kern, F Hassan, KS Lips, ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 1-10, 2017
Do systemic factors influence the fate of nonunions to become atrophic? A retrospective analysis of 162 cases
M Rupp, S Kern, T El Khassawna, A Ismat, D Malhan, V Alt, C Heiss, ...
BioMed research international 2019 (1), 6407098, 2019
A synergistic Cs 2 CO 3 ETL treatment to incorporate Cs cation into perovskite solar cells via two-step scalable fabrication
M Yavari, X Liu, T Webb, KDGI Jayawardena, Y Xiang, S Kern, S Hinder, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9 (12), 4367-4377, 2021
Development of nanoparticle loaded microneedles for drug delivery to a brain tumour resection site
P Muresan, P McCrorie, F Smith, C Vasey, V Taresco, DJ Scurr, S Kern, ...
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 182, 53-61, 2023
Extensor tendon ruptures in rheumatoid wrists
C Biehl, M Rupp, S Kern, C Heiss, T ElKhassawna, G Szalay
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 30, 1499-1504, 2020
Computed tomography for managing periprosthetic femoral fractures. A retrospective analysis
M Rupp, S Kern, A Ismat, T El Khassawna, G Knapp, G Szalay, C Heiss, ...
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 20, 1-6, 2019
Identifying new biomarkers of aggressive Group 3 and SHH medulloblastoma using 3D hydrogel models, single cell RNA sequencing and 3D OrbiSIMS imaging
F Linke, JEC Johnson, S Kern, CD Bennett, A Lourdusamy, D Lea, ...
Acta Neuropathologica Communications 11 (1), 6, 2023
A new clinically relevant t-score standard to interpret bone status in a sheep model
C Heiss, S Kern, D Malhan, W Böcker, M Engelhardt, DES Daghma, ...
Medical science monitor basic research 23, 326, 2017
Dissociative Host-Dopant Bonding Facilitates Molecular Doping in Halide Perovskites
L Lanzetta, L Gregori, LH Hernandez, A Sharma, S Kern, AM Kotowska, ...
ACS Energy Letters 8 (7), 2858-2867, 2023
Mass spectra database of polymers for bismuth-cluster ToF-SIMS
S Kern, C Kern, M Rohnke
Surface Science Spectra 26 (2), 2019
Surgical treatment outcome after serial debridement of infected nonunion—A retrospective cohort study
M Rupp, S Kern, N Walter, L Anastasopoulou, R Schnettler, C Heiss, V Alt
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, 1-7, 2022
Spatially resolved indiffusion behavior of Cu2+ and Ni2+ in polypropylene
S Kern, C Kern, MM Pradja, RA Düring, M Rohnke
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 138 (2), 49655, 2021
Postembedding decalcification of mineralized tissue sections preserves the integrity of implanted biomaterials and minimizes number of experimental animals
T El Khassawna, DES Daghma, S Stoetzel, S Ray, S Kern, D Malhan, ...
BioMed Research International 2017 (1), 2023853, 2017
Secondary ion mass spectrometry for bone research
C Kern, S Kern, A Henss, M Rohnke
Biointerphases 18 (4), 2023
A new particle mounting method for surface analysis
AA Dundas, S Kern, V Cuzzucoli Crucitti, DJ Scurr, R Wildman, DJ Irvine, ...
Surface and Interface Analysis 54 (4), 374-380, 2022
Identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exopolysaccharide Psl in biofilms using 3D OrbiSIMS
H Khateb, AL Hook, S Kern, JA Watts, S Singh, D Jackson, ...
Biointerphases 18 (3), 2023
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