Julian Grant
Cited by
Cited by
Getting connected: How nurses can support mother/infant attachment in the neonatal intensive care unit
H Kearvell, J Grant
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, The 27 (3), 75-82, 2010
Integrative review: nurses' roles and experiences in keeping children safe
LE Lines, AE Hutton, J Grant
Journal of advanced nursing 73 (2), 302-322, 2017
How do nurse practitioners work in primary health care settings? A scoping review
J Grant, L Lines, P Darbyshire, Y Parry
International journal of nursing studies 75, 51-57, 2017
An investigation of culturally competent terminology in healthcare policy finds ambiguity and lack of definition
J Grant, Y Parry, P Guerin
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 37 (3), 250-256, 2013
A unified call to action from Australian nursing and midwifery leaders: ensuring that Black lives matter
L Geia, K Baird, K Bail, L Barclay, J Bennett, O Best, M Birks, L Blackley, ...
Contemporary Nurse 56 (4), 297-308, 2020
Use of telehealth for health care of Indigenous peoples with chronic conditions: a systematic review
S Fraser, T Mackean, J Grant, K Hunter, K Towers, R Ivers
Rural and remote health 17 (3), 1-26, 2017
Dismantling racism in education: in 2020, the year of the nurse & midwife,“it's time.”
A Burnett, C Moorley, J Grant, M Kahin, R Sagoo, E Rivers, L Deravin, ...
Nurse education today 93, 104532, 2020
Applying ecological modeling to parenting for Australian refugee families
J Grant, PB Guerin
Journal of Transcultural Nursing 25 (4), 325-333, 2014
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family access to continuity of health care services in the first 1000 days of life: a systematic review of the literature
N Sivertsen, O Anikeeva, J Deverix, J Grant
BMC health services research 20, 1-9, 2020
Nurses' perceptions of systems and hierarchies shaping their responses to child abuse and neglect
LE Lines, JM Grant, A Hutton
Nursing inquiry 27 (2), e12342, 2020
‘Culture it’sa big term isn’t it’? An analysis of child and family health nurses’ understandings of culture and intercultural communication
J Grant, Y Luxford
Health Sociology Review 20 (1), 16-27, 2011
Navigating and negotiating meanings of child abuse and neglect: Sociocultural contexts shaping Australian nurses’ perceptions
LE Lines, A Hutton, JM Grant
Health & social care in the community 28 (3), 941-949, 2020
How do nurses keep children safe from abuse and neglect, and does it make a difference? A scoping review
L Lines, J Grant, A Hutton
Journal of pediatric nursing 43, e75-e84, 2018
Educational preparation for maternal, child and family health nurses in Australia
S Kruske, J Grant
International Nursing Review 59 (2), 200-207, 2012
Maternal child and family health nurses: delivering a unique nursing speciality
S Fraser, J Grant, T Mannix
Maternal and Child Health Journal 20, 2557-2564, 2016
Missed opportunities: a qualitative exploration of the experiences of smoking cessation interventions among socially disadvantaged pregnant women
J Gamble, J Grant, G Tsourtos
Women and Birth 28 (1), 8-15, 2015
‘How can we work together?’Nurses using relational skills to address child maltreatment in Australia: A qualitative study
MLE Lines, JM Grant, A Hutton
Journal of pediatric nursing 54, 1-9, 2020
Video: A decolonising strategy for intercultural communication in child and family health within ethnographic research
J Grant, Y Luxford
International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches 3 (3), 218-232, 2009
Burn injury models of care: A review of quality and cultural safety for care of Indigenous children
S Fraser, J Grant, T Mackean, K Hunter, AJA Holland, K Clapham, ...
Burns 44 (3), 665-677, 2018
Exploring mothers’ perspectives of an intensive home visiting program in Australia: A qualitative study
L Paton, J Grant, G Tsourtos
Contemporary Nurse 43 (2), 191-200, 2013
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Articles 1–20