Ian Zajac
Cited by
Cited by
Role of food processing in food and nutrition security
MA Augustin, M Riley, R Stockmann, L Bennett, A Kahl, T Lockett, ...
Trends in Food Science & Technology 56, 115-125, 2016
The structure of anxiety and depression in a normative sample of younger and older Australian adolescents
PJ Tully, IT Zajac, AJ Venning
Journal of abnormal child psychology 37, 717-726, 2009
Preliminary validation of a new clinical tool for identifying problem video game playing
DL King, PH Delfabbro, IT Zajac
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 9, 72-87, 2011
Endorsement by the primary care practitioner consistently improves participation in screening for colorectal cancer: a longitudinal analysis
IT Zajac, AH Whibley, SR Cole, D Byrne, J Guy, J Morcom, GP Young
Journal of Medical Screening 17 (1), 19-24, 2010
High-amylose wheat lowers the postprandial glycemic response to bread in healthy adults: A randomized controlled crossover trial
DP Belobrajdic, A Regina, B Klingner, I Zajac, S Chapron, P Berbezy, ...
The Journal of nutrition 149 (8), 1335-1345, 2019
Associations between conformity to masculine norms and depression: age effects from a population study of Australian men
D Herreen, S Rice, D Currier, M Schlichthorst, I Zajac
BMC psychology 9, 1-10, 2021
The reliability and validity of a self-report measure of cognitive abilities in older adults: More personality than cognitive function
D Herreen, IT Zajac
Journal of Intelligence 6 (1), 1, 2017
EEG neurofeedback during focused attention meditation: Effects on state mindfulness and meditation experiences
H Hunkin, DL King, IT Zajac
Mindfulness 12, 841-851, 2021
Psychosocial variables associated with colorectal cancer screening in South Australia
SR Cole, I Zajac, T Gregory, S Mehaffey, N Roosa, D Turnbull, ...
International journal of behavioral medicine 18, 302-309, 2011
The psychological, social, and behavioural impact of a parent's cancer on adolescent and young adult offspring aged 10–24 at time of diagnosis: A systematic review
J Morris, D Turnbull, D Preen, I Zajac, A Martini
Journal of Adolescence 65, 61-71, 2018
Perceived acceptability of wearable devices for the treatment of mental health problems
H Hunkin, DL King, IT Zajac
Journal of clinical psychology 76 (6), 987-1003, 2020
Individual differences and changes in lifestyle behaviours predict decreased subjective well-being during COVID-19 restrictions in an Australian sample
E Brindal, JC Ryan, N Kakoschke, S Golley, IT Zajac, B Wiggins
Journal of public health 44 (2), 450-456, 2022
Internet usage and openness to internet-delivered health information among Australian adults aged over 50 years
IT Zajac, IHK Flight, C Wilson, D Turnbull, S Cole, G Young
The Australasian Medical Journal 5 (5), 262, 2012
The effects of vitamin d-enriched mushrooms and vitamin d3 on cognitive performance and mood in healthy elderly adults: A randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial
IT Zajac, M Barnes, P Cavuoto, G Wittert, M Noakes
Nutrients 12 (12), 3847, 2020
Is hope or mental illness a stronger predictor of mental health?
A Venning, L Kettler, I Zajac, A Wilson, J Eliott
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 13 (2), 32-39, 2011
Wearable devices as adjuncts in the treatment of anxiety‐related symptoms: A narrative review of five device modalities and implications for clinical practice.
H Hunkin, DL King, IT Zajac
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 26 (3), 70, 2019
The impact of computer self-efficacy, computer anxiety, and perceived usability and acceptability on the efficacy of a decision support tool for colorectal cancer screening
K Lindblom, T Gregory, C Wilson, IHK Flight, I Zajac
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 19 (3), 407-412, 2012
Evaluating the feasibility of a consumer‐grade wearable EEG headband to aid assessment of state and trait mindfulness
H Hunkin, DL King, IT Zajac
Journal of Clinical Psychology 77 (11), 2559-2575, 2021
Suicide risk, psychological distress and treatment preferences in men presenting with prototypical, externalising and mixed depressive symptomology
IT Zajac, S Rice, M Proeve, D Kealy, JL Oliffe, JS Ogrodniczuk
Journal of mental health 31 (3), 309-316, 2022
Coping and its relationship to post-traumatic growth, emotion, and resilience among adolescents and young adults impacted by parental cancer
JN Morris, D Turnbull, A Martini, D Preen, I Zajac
Journal of psychosocial oncology 38 (1), 73-88, 2020
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Articles 1–20