Ashley Craig
Ashley Craig
Professor at Sydney University
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A critical review of the psychophysiology of driver fatigue
SKL Lal, A Craig
Biological psychology 55 (3), 173-194, 2001
Stuttering: A review of research findings and theories circa 1982
G Andrews, S Hoddinott, A Craig, P Howie, AM Feyer, M Neilson
Journal of speech and hearing disorders 48 (3), 226-246, 1983
A scale to measure locus of control of behaviour
AR Craig, JA Franklin, G Andrews
British Journal of Medical Psychology 57 (2), 173-180, 1984
Driver fatigue: electroencephalography and psychological assessment
SKL Lal, A Craig
Psychophysiology 39 (3), 313-321, 2002
The impact of stuttering on the quality of life in adults who stutter
A Craig, E Blumgart, Y Tran
Journal of fluency disorders 34 (2), 61-71, 2009
Epidemiology of stuttering in the community across the entire life span
A Craig, K Hancock, Y Tran, M Craig, K Peters
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2002
Psychological morbidity and spinal cord injury: a systematic review
A Craig, Y Tran, J Middleton
Spinal cord 47 (2), 108-114, 2009
Development of an algorithm for an EEG-based driver fatigue countermeasure
SKL Lal, A Craig, P Boord, L Kirkup, H Nguyen
Journal of safety Research 34 (3), 321-328, 2003
Social anxiety disorder in adults who stutter
E Blumgart, Y Tran, A Craig
Depression and anxiety 27 (7), 687-692, 2010
Regional brain wave activity changes associated with fatigue
A Craig, Y Tran, N Wijesuriya, H Nguyen
Psychophysiology 49 (4), 574-582, 2012
Relationship between quality of life and self-efficacy in persons with spinal cord injuries
J Middleton, Y Tran, A Craig
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 88 (12), 1643-1648, 2007
Anxiety levels in people who stutter
A Craig, K Hancock, Y Tran, M Craig
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2003
Trait and social anxiety in adults with chronic stuttering: Conclusions following meta-analysis
A Craig, Y Tran
Journal of fluency disorders 40, 35-43, 2014
Driver fatigue classification with independent component by entropy rate bound minimization analysis in an EEG-based system
R Chai, GR Naik, TN Nguyen, SH Ling, Y Tran, A Craig, HT Nguyen
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 21 (3), 715-724, 2016
An investigation into the relationship between anxiety and stuttering
A Craig
Journal of speech and hearing disorders 55 (2), 290-294, 1990
A controlled clinical trial for stuttering in persons aged 9 to 14 years
A Craig, K Hancock, E Chang, C McCready, A Shepley, A McCaul, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 39 (4), 808-826, 1996
A longitudinal investigation into anxiety and depression in the first 2 years following a spinal cord injury
AR Craig, KM Hancock, HG Dickson
Spinal Cord 32 (10), 675-679, 1994
The influence of mental fatigue on brain activity: Evidence from a systematic review with meta‐analyses
Y Tran, A Craig, R Craig, R Chai, H Nguyen
Psychophysiology 57 (5), e13554, 2020
Prospective study of the occurrence of psychological disorders and comorbidities after spinal cord injury
A Craig, KN Perry, R Guest, Y Tran, A Dezarnaulds, A Hales, C Ephraums, ...
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 96 (8), 1426-1434, 2015
Electroencephalographic slowing and reduced reactivity in neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury
P Boord, PJ Siddall, Y Tran, D Herbert, J Middleton, A Craig
Spinal cord 46 (2), 118-123, 2008
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