Emma F Thomas
Cited by
Cited by
Aligning identities, emotions, and beliefs to create commitment to sustainable social and political action
EF Thomas, C McGarty, KI Mavor
Personality and social psychology review 13 (3), 194-218, 2009
Transforming “apathy into movement”: The role of prosocial emotions in motivating action for social change
EF Thomas, C McGarty, KI Mavor
Personality and Social Psychology Review 13 (4), 310-333, 2009
Collective action as the material expression of opinion‐based group membership
C McGarty, AM Bliuc, EF Thomas, R Bongiorno
Journal of Social Issues 65 (4), 839-857, 2009
Social identities facilitate and encapsulate action-relevant constructs: A test of the social identity model of collective action
EF Thomas, KI Mavor, C McGarty
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 15 (1), 75-88, 2012
Public division about climate change rooted in conflicting socio-political identities
AM Bliuc, C McGarty, EF Thomas, G Lala, M Berndsen, RA Misajon
Nature Climate Change 5 (3), 226-229, 2015
The role of efficacy and moral outrage norms in creating the potential for international development activism through group‐based interaction
EF Thomas, CA McGarty
British Journal of Social Psychology 48 (1), 115-134, 2009
When will collective action be effective? Violent and non-violent protests differentially influence perceptions of legitimacy and efficacy among sympathizers
EF Thomas, WR Louis
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (2), 263-276, 2014
New Technologies, New Identities, and the Growth of Mass Opposition in the A rab S pring
C McGarty, EF Thomas, G Lala, LGE Smith, AM Bliuc
Political psychology 35 (6), 725-740, 2014
“We must be the change we want to see in the world”: Integrating norms and identities through social interaction
LGE Smith, EF Thomas, C McGarty
Political Psychology 36 (5), 543-557, 2015
Group interaction as the crucible of social identity formation: A glimpse at the foundations of social identities for collective action
EF Thomas, C McGarty, K Mavor
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 19 (2), 137-151, 2016
Emerging research on intergroup prosociality: Group members' charitable giving, positive contact, allyship, and solidarity with others
WR Louis, E Thomas, CM Chapman, T Achia, S Wibisono, Z Mirnajafi, ...
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 13 (3), e12436, 2019
Social interaction and psychological pathways to political engagement and extremism
EF Thomas, C McGarty, W Louis
European Journal of Social Psychology 44 (1), 15-22, 2014
Testing the social identity model of collective action longitudinally and across structurally disadvantaged and advantaged groups
EF Thomas, E Zubielevitch, CG Sibley, D Osborne
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (6), 823-838, 2020
The “activist identity” and activism across domains: A multiple identities analysis
WR Louis, CE Amiot, EF Thomas, L Blackwood
Journal of Social Issues 72 (2), 242-263, 2016
Doing democracy: The social psychological mobilization and consequences of collective action
EF Thomas, WR Louis
Social Issues and Policy Review 7 (1), 173-200, 2013
The volatility of collective action: Theoretical analysis and empirical data
W Louis, E Thomas, C McGarty, M Lizzio‐Wilson, C Amiot, F Moghaddam
Political Psychology 41, 35-74, 2020
The need to refocus on the group as the site of radicalization
LGE Smith, L Blackwood, EF Thomas
Perspectives on Psychological Science 15 (2), 327-352, 2020
Giving versus acting: Using latent profile analysis to distinguish between benevolent and activist support for global poverty reduction
EF Thomas, C McGarty
British Journal of Social Psychology 57 (1), 189-209, 2018
Whatever happened to Kony2012? Understanding a global Internet phenomenon as an emergent social identity
EF Thomas, C McGarty, G Lala, A Stuart, LJ Hall, A Goddard
European Journal of Social Psychology 45 (3), 356-367, 2015
“We may be pirates, but we are not protesters”: Identity in the S ea S hepherd C onservation S ociety
A Stuart, EF Thomas, N Donaghue, A Russell
Political Psychology 34 (5), 753-777, 2013
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Articles 1–20